The aim of sake
is to provide a user-friendly tool for easy analysis of NGS Single-Cell transcriptomic data
Flowchart of SAKE package and example analysis results: a) Analysis workflow for analyzing single-cell RNA-Seq data. b) Quality Controls to compare total sequenced reads to total gene transcripts detected. c) Sample correlation heat map plot d) A heat map of sample assignment from NMF run, with dark red indicating high confidence in cluster assignments e) t-SNE plot to compare NMF assigned groups with t-SNE projections. f) A table of NMF identified features (genes defining each cluster) and a box plot of gene expression distributions across NMF assigned groups. g) Summary table for GO term enrichment analysis for each NMF assigned group.
First we will install some prerequisite libraries before installing sake
For Centos (tested on 6.9)
sudo yum install openssl-devel libcurl-devel libpng-devel libxml2-devel libxslt
# Require `gcc` >= 4.6
sudo yum install centos-release-scl
sudo yum install devtoolset-3-toolchain
scl enable devtoolset-3 bash
For Ubuntu (tested on 16.10)
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libpng-dev libxslt-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev xsltproc
For Mac OS (tested on Sierra 10.12.1)
# follow instructions to install brew on MAC
# install required packages
brew install curl openssl libpng libxslt libxml2
# update gcc
brew install gcc48
Download and Install R
- Download and Install Rstudio (Suggested but not required)
biocLite(c("annotate", "AnnotationHub", "biomaRt", "DESeq2", "gage", "gageData", "GO.db", "pathview", "plotly", "DT"))
devtools::install_github("renozao/pkgmaker", ref="develop")
devtools::install_github("naikai/sake") # You may want to consider "devtools::install_github("naikai/sake", CC=gcc-7) to flag for use with the GCC compiler"
# I reinstalled older versions of the packages:
# plotly 4.9.2, htmltools 0.5.0, htmlwidgets 1.5.2,
# promises 1.1.1, crosstalk, and DT 0.16
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
# gage_2.36.0
# go even below the versions
# shiny
# shinydashboard 0.7.1
# shinythemes 1.1.2
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
install.packages("", repo=NULL, type="source")
shiny::runApp(system.file("sake", package="sake"))
Please follow the links to briefly walk you through the functions of sake
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