was thinking about a project to practice and as a showcase for my skills in Ruby on Rails.
was thinking about creating a forum due to with it I can cover the following topic:
- table relationship
- user following and follower
- story, user, categories, comments
- user authentication (using devise)
- sign up / sign in
- password recovery
- authentication token
- block on failed try
- voting (using act_as_vote)
- vote for story (likes)
- email notification (haven't decide the gem for this)
- on new response
- file upload (using paperclip)
- bootstrap styling
- breadcrumb
- pagination
- all other common bootstrap components
and while drafting the Relationship model, I realize that the category/ies is such a annoyance from user point of view (imagine that you have to think the thread you are writing belong to which category and sub-category AND the embarrassment when the response say you post it on the wrong category)
therefor I thought it will be better to just use tags, something like a stack overflow BUT I don't want it to look like traditional forum structure after-all it will be called a story so should be something more inviting.
and when I look around for inspiration it turn out what I want "Medium" (minus the awesome editor [for the moment]).
P.S: this will also serve as base for upcoming experiment project (Instagram's Clone and an e-commerce site)
- Story => Done
- User + authentication using devise => Done
- Comment => Done (only the last can be edited / deleted by commenter)
- Add Voting (for user and story) => done
- Follow and Following feature
- Trending tags on the home (keep track of tags by story;)
- Populate database with dummy data (faker gem)
I'll only apply basic styling for this project as aesthetics can hold until all the feature is implemented.
- edit comment on the same page
- partial for new and edit comments
- minimize existing routes