OpenWhisk is a cloud-first distributed event-based programming service. It provides a programming model to upload event handlers to a cloud service, and register the handlers to respond to various events. Learn more at or try it on IBM Bluemix.
- Quick Start (Vagrant)
- Native development (Mac and Ubuntu)
- Learn concepts and commands
- License
- Issues
A Vagrant machine is the easiest way to run OpenWhisk on Mac, Windows PC or GNU/Linux. Download and install Vagrant for your operating system and architecture.
Follow these step to run your first OpenWhisk Action:
# Clone openwhisk
git clone --depth=1
# Change directory to tools/vagrant
cd openwhisk/tools/vagrant
# Run script to create vm and run hello action
Wait for hello action output:
wsk action invoke /whisk.system/utils/echo -p message hello --result
"message": "hello"
These steps were tested on Mac OS X El Capitan, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS and Windows using Vagrant. For more information about using OpenWhisk on Vagrant see the tools/vagrant/
Docker must be natively installed in order to build and deploy OpenWhisk. If you plan to make contributions to OpenWhisk, we recommend either a Mac or Ubuntu environment.
Browse the documentation to learn more. Here are some topics you may be interested in:
- System overview
- Getting Started
- Create and invoke actions
- Create triggers and rules
- Use and create packages
- Browse and use the catalog
- Using the OpenWhisk mobile SDK
- OpenWhisk system details
- Implementing feeds
Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied. See the license for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the license.
Report bugs, ask questions and request features here on GitHub.
You can also join our slack channel and chat with developers. To get access to our slack channel, request an invite here.