These are my dotfiles and Vim configuration to use this awesome editor as a fully-featured IDE for most programming languages.
These dotfiles use Polyglot to customize the shell prompt. It also enables bash completion for Git and provides a nice integration with Kubernetes.
These featuers can be installed as follows:
# Clone the repo and get the polyglot fork
git clone
cd dotfiles
git submodule update --init
# Source the provided `.bashrc` file (the one in the cloned repo) and consider adding it
# to your existing `.bashrc`.
source .bashrc
- File explorer and quick search.
- Language objects information such as classes, methods, variables, etc.
- Code completion.
- GitHub Copilot integration.
- Highlight compilation and lint error on the fly.
- Integrated Git status information.
- Easy buffer navigation between open files.
- Integrated terminal.
In order to use the Vim plugins the following pieces have to be installed manually:
- curl
- Git
- Universal ctags
If you are using OSX, you will need to install Vim with Homebrew. Otherwise auto-completion will not work since the version of Vim that comes by default is not compiled with Python3 support.
There is no automatic way to install this, but only a few links need to be created. You can install all the plugins and create the links as follows:
# Clone the repo
git clone
# Create the symbolic links in your home
cd ~
ln -s dotfiles/.vimrc
ln -s dotfiles/.vim
ln -s dotfiles/.ctags
The first time you open Vim, the plugins will be installed automatically. Once the plugins are installed, you can
configure the GitHub Copilot plugin by running: :Copilot setup
When upgrading Python with Homebrew, you may encounter issues about some modules not being found by pythonx
. This
is because Homebrew is still linked to the old Python version. To fix this, check the Python version Vim depends
on, and update the links as follows:
$ brew info vim | grep python
Required: gettext, lua, perl, [email protected], ruby
$ brew link --overwrite [email protected] --force
Once the links have been created you're done! All the plugins will be automatically installed the first time you open Vim.
The following keys have been mapped by default:
Shortcut | Description |
F2 | Toggle NERDTree |
F3 | Toggle Tagbar (it is opened by default in certain source ccode files) |
F4 | Open a shell in a tmux split |
Shift-Left/Right | Change to the previous/next buffer |
<Ctrl-Space> | In INSERT mode opens the autocompletion popup |
sf | Opens the FZF file search window |
sb | Opens the FZF buffer search window |
st | Opens the FZF tag search window |
sc | Opens the FZF commit search window |
The configuration comes with some Go shortcuts and additional customimzations to the Go debugger:
Commands | Description |
gdoc | Shows a popup with the GoDoc for the symbol under the cursor |
gs | Shows the signature of the method under the cursor in the status bar |
gdb | Toggle a breakpoint in the current line |
gdr | Run the program while debugging until the next breakpoint |
gdn | Advance to the next line when debugging |
gdi | Step into the current function |
gdo | Step out of the current function |