Releases: nabbar/golib
Package Archives:
- fix security arbitrary path
- fix issue #171
- fix issue #172
Package AWS:
- implement resolver v2
- force default bucket region constraint to prevent SDK error
Package Context/Config:
- Add function to set context
Package Database/KV...:
- Fix error
- Fix collision pointer
- Fix models
- Fix circular dependencies
- Add function Delete on driver, table and item
- Add function new on drvier to prevent collision data when create item on table get / walk
Package Duration:
- Add type Duration based on time.Duration to allow transform duration to string instead of int64 nanosecond
- Add function to parse in json, yaml, toml, text, cbor
- Add function to allow convert type into mapstructure (spf13 viper, cobra...)
Package File/Perm:
- Add type Perm based on os.FileMode to allow marshall / unmashall it into octal form instead of string representation (-rwxrwxrwx)
- Add function to marshall / unmarshall in json, yaml, toml, text, cbor
- Add function to allow convert type into mapstructure (spf13 viper, cobra...)
Package HTTPServer :
- Fix security by adding a default value if not set on config
Package LDAP:
- Add Clone function
Package Network/Protocol:
- Fix bug with quote / Dbl Quote on unmarshall
Package Password:
- Replace password with crypto rand instead of math rand
Package Size:
- Fix potential overflow
- Add function to format value into Int32, Int, Uint32, Uint, Float32
- Add function to parse Float64 into type Size
Package Socket:
- change config uint32 to golib Size, time.Duration to golib Duration
- add TLS managment to server TCP, discard for UDP & Unix file Local Domain
- add function Info Server to print information of server when listen is starting
- bump dependencies
- fix CVE-2023-46129
Package Semaphore:
- simplify the base semaphore (context, max wheight...)
- merge semaphore with progress instance
- extend semaphore with context interface
- semaphore can be used as context.context
Package Progress
- rework MPB instance
- bump MBP to v8
- merge package into Semaphore to use a same instance for sem / mpb
- rework bar to simplify it
- bar is now also a semaphore & context
- bar can be used as context.context
- allow to create bar with custom options
Package Archive/GZIP
- remove call of getGunzipSize
- expose to public the internal getGunZipSize => GetGunZipSize
Package File/Progress
- fix nil function with progress, use empty function if function are nil
- Bump dependencies
- Remove
- Add
Bump dependencies:
- fix CVE-2023-44487
Package AWS
Add feature to change http timeout directly in httpcli store in aws client
Add copy/MPUCopy function
Update mpu to allow copy with MPU
Package Cobra
Fix println by fmt.Fprint to os.stdout
Package Crypt
Refactor package to use instance of crypt instead of a global crypt unique instance
Allow to gen key/nonce
Add io stream reader/writer instead of only buffer slice encoder decoder
Package file/bandwidth
Add new subpackage bandwith to limit a amount of byte read/write for a duraction
Use file/progress function increment/reset
Allow to add custom function increment / reset
Package IOUtils
Remove useless file error.go, tempFile.go (replaced by package file)
Move fileDescriptor to a subpackage fileDescriptor: allow to change nb of FD for linux/windows os
Move Buffer ReadCloser to a new subpackage: allow to add close function to buffer, and expose read / write io interface
Add sub package multiplexer to allow send/receive multiple io stream into on io stream
Package Socket
Rework to expose io stream instead of buffer
Fix minor bugs
Bump dependencies
Update code following bump dependencies
Package aws
- fix dive, use it only for slice
- add function to version delete with bypass governance policy
Package cluster
- fix dive, use it only for slice
Package config
- fix missing close channel for waitnotify function
Package errors
- fix pattern %s with uint16
Package ioutils
- fix liberr / Error type return
Package nats
- fix dive, use it only for slice
Package nutsdb
- fix dive, use it only for slice
Package request
- fix dive, use it only for slice
- bump dependencies (validator v10.15.2)
Package archive:
- apply following change
- add minor internal change into errors files
- create sub package archive/gzipreader
- create package to expose a io.reader interface from a no gzipped io.reader
- add interface GZipReader to expose metrics like rate of compression
Package artifact:
- apply following change
- add minor internal change into errors files
Package aws:
- apply following change
- removing minio server from repo
- update config model following validator update
Package database
sub package gorm
- move package database using gorm, to package database/gorm
- update config component following
- apply following change
sub package kvitem
- create new package to manage item of KV Db
- allow to track change on item model
- allow to store only if changed
- embedded driver function to load / store to make instance portable
sub package kvtable
- create new package to manage a table (list of map key : value)
- embedded driver instance to make instance portable
- allow to walk, list, get items with KVItem instance
sub package kvdriver
- create new package to wrap db KV function to KVTable awaiting function
- Allow to skip function Walk replace by a n internal call of function List and Get
sub package map
- create new package to wrap KV function usage of map[comparable]any to KVDriver model
- Use json marshall/unmarshall between map[comparable]any to model any
Package Errors
- add function to check & cast error interface into golib Error interface
- update CodeError type to simplify management & error creation
- add function to simplify call of Error function from a generic error interface
- remove some useless function from Error interface
Package file/progress
- simplify call / use of file progress
- optimize code
- use atomic to function progress
- isolation part of code
- make interface more compatible with *os/File / io interface
Package ioutils
- remove file progress from ioutils and rework it to package file/progress
Package mail
- apply following change
- add minor internal change into errors files
Package nutsdb
- apply following change
- add minor internal change into errors files
Package socket
- fix bug with timeout
All other packages
- apply following change
- go1.21
- bump dependencies
- remove aws/minio:
- use a wget command to dl minio server for testing in ci/cd
- add aws/minio to gitignore
- remove aws/minio from repo history