Releases: nabbar/golib
Releases · nabbar/golib
Bump AWS to sdk-aws-go-v2 at release v0.26.0
Refactor :
- Multipart Upload : no longer s3manager
- Error Handling : no longer GetError / ErrorCode
- Logger : no longer logger in the sdk
Change :
- Bump dependancies
- aws/helper : refactor to implements new version of sdk_aws_go_v2
- aws: Client : Clone : add error return
- aws: Client : ForcePathStyle: add error return
- object: List => now return slice of pointer objects instead of slice of object
- object: Head => now return head pointer instead of 2 map
- object: Get => now return pointer of objet (including io.readcloser ) instead of io reader with slice of io.closer
- object: MultipartPutCustom => no longer need concurrent parameter
- bucket: List => now return slice of pointer
- role: List => now returm slice of pointer
- role: PolicyListAttached => now return slice of pointer
- fix linter, test
Remove :
- Config: SetLogLevel => no more logger in aws sdl go v2
- Config: SetAWSLogLevel => no more logger in aws sdl go v2
Note :
⚠️ multipart use temporary file
Export AWS Config Model
Change :
- Package AWS : export model of Custom Config (allowing to use func NewConfigUnmarshall)
- fix linter
Fix CONSOLE password
Fix Console Package :
- fix PromptPassword
New Packages, refactor packages and fix issues
Refactor Package Archive :
- Use ioutils.FileProgress instead of os.Files
- Add func for extract all files in archive
Add Package Artifact :
- add function to manage artifact search & download
- add endpoint github
- add endpoint gilab
- add endpoint s3aws
Add Package AWS :
- add helper for custom config
- add helper for aws config (with auto conf env, ec2, ...)
- add helper for iam/s3 functions
- add test ginkgo/gomega with minio
Add Package OAuth :
- Add function to get http.client for oauth with token
- Add function to get http.client for oauth with tokenSource
- Add function to get http.client for oauth with api key/code
Add FileProgress in ioutils package :
- Add fileprogress based on os.File, temporary file, openning file (basic), open File with mode
- Implement feature to update function for progression operation like read, write into a file
- Implement interface of io : Read, Write, Seek, Closer, ReaderFrom, WriteTo, ReaderAt, WriteAt, StringWrite...
- use buffer defined as same as bufio buffer
Refactor Package Progress & Semaphore :
- refactor context managment
- simplify context
Add features in Package Progress :
- Add complex bar features
- Add unic progress features
Add features in Package LDAP :
- Add function to retrieve group information
Change in Package Errors :
- Fix trace
- Add new package starting Code
Change in Package LDAP :
- Fix config validator for port : int to number
- Fix config validator for uri : url to fqdn
Fix Linter Issues :
- package ioutils : #46
- package version: #45
- package password: #44
- package logger: #42
- package smtp: #41
- package router: #40
- package status #39
- package errors: #38
- package archive: #37
- package certificates: #36
- package console: #35
- package crypt: #34
- package httpcli: #33
- package httpserver: #32
- package semaphore: #31
- package static: #30
Fix Other Issues :
Fix package Error
Fix :
- fix pakcge error : fix runtime caller for trace
- fix linter issue
New Package Network & fix errors
Add Package :
- Network : retrieve statistics from network interface
Add Features :
- Add context for ldap connections
Fix :
- Fix logger getframe : empty slice of uintptr break the call of runtime callers
Changes :
- Change LDAP dial following bump lib ldap : use net dialer updated if need and start ldap connection with this dialer
- Bump dependancies
Refactor Name Package & Package Errors , Status
Refactor Name Pakages
- Chg package njs-archive by archive
- Chg package njs-certif by certificates
- Chg package njs-console by console
- Chg package njs-crypt by crypt
- Chg package njs-errors by errors
- Chg package njs-httpcli by httpcli
- Chg package njs-httpserver by httpserver
- Chg package njs-ioutils by ioutils
- Chg package njs-ldap by ldap
- Chg package njs-logger by logger
- Chg package njs-password by password
- Chg package njs-progress by progress
- Chg package njs-router by router
- Chg package njs-semaphore by semaphore
- Chg package njs-smtp by smtp
- Chg package njs-static by static
- Chg package njs-status by status
- Chg package njs-version by version
Refactor Package Error :
- Refactor ErrorType, list errors managment, codeError
- Add interface Error with error interface implement
- Add type CodeError assign typiclly to const that represent code of error
- Add func to registry func to retrieve message from an uint16 codeError (typicaly a switch of each codeError const)
- Add default errorCode with default errorMessage if no one code or message is found
- Add modeError to manage how to manage compatibility between Error interface and error interface
- Add Error interface that allow parent link (parent as error or Error interface), code and trace management
- Add trace finder to allow find func/file/line caller when Error is call
- Add func to check if a getMessage function exist for same CodeError value
- Allow overwrite the GetMessage of existing function to customize message for existing code
Refactor Package Status :
- fix some error
- change ambigus name
- simplify func
- update the documentation in README
Add features
- Add http 2 transport in httpcli
- Add http 2 transport in httpserver
- Add function to get client http with timeout management in httpcli
- Add function to get Error if occurs of http client in httpcli
- Add function for context / cancelFunc in package Progress
Add examples
- Add test for smtp package
- Add Github Action on Pull Request / Merge Master
- return error by returning Error in all packages
- dependancies gopkg by github/go-ldap for go module compatibility
- gin Abort call by gin Abort with Error in static package
- Bump dependancies
- Remove deprecated function
- Remove useless function & files
Fix issues
- Fix issue #18 in status package : replace partner by component
- Fix issue #21 in HTTPServer : missing conditionnal report error
- Fix issue #24 in init later for package status
- Fix issuer #27 : replace e.Error() by e.StringError()
- Fix go vet error
- Apply CHG in
- Extend example / subdocumentation in
Add features on router
Add :
- Gin Tonic Group route features
- default route group for no group
- func to allow init later a status router
- func to allow register in group a status router
- func to allow register in group a static router
- interface for Register in Group in router package
- check in header to avoid null map/slice
Change :
Add Package for archive/compressed files
Add Package Archive :
- func ExtractFile : recursive func to extract from any (zip, tar, bz2, gzip) archive/compressed file
- allow to push multiple compressed file, search for included file
- search based on included full path name and substrings pattern or regex matching
- return an os file pointer to temporary file
Add I/O Functions for temporary file :
- func NewTempFile to return an os Temp File pointer
- func GeTempFilePath to return the current full path of the given os Temp File pointer
- func DelTempFile to clean the given os Temp File pointer
Add test / example file for Archive Package :
- add a to test to print content of a go file in vendor folder from a zip => bz2 => tar => gzip => tar => vendor/.../file to print
- add a shell script to create an the example archive zip
Pkg Progress
Fix :
- decor bar counter