To get started, create an environment using conda
conda create -n env_name python=3.8
conda activate env_name
conda env update -f requirements.yaml
pip install .
python3 workflow/verse19/
python3 workflow/verse19/
- Compile DRR Generator and add to path
Detailed explanation on : docs/
python3 configs/full/Verse2019-DRR-full.yaml --dataset verse2019 --parallel
Time to download the dataset
|Dataset | Time | Size (GB) | #CT Scans |
|--- | --- | --- |--- |
|Verse20 | 2 hr @ 4 MB/s |36 | 214 |
|Verse19 | |12 |160 |
|Totalsegmentor | | | |
|RibFrac | |56 | |
|LIDC | | | |
|CTPelvic1k | | | |
|CTSpine1k | | | |
|RSNACervical | | | |