An addon for World of Warcraft that taunts target of high threat party/raid members.
This addon creates a Units Frame of your party/raid members and visually shows their threat percentage in a red gradient growing upwards. If you're a tank, clicking on the party/raid member's unit frame will taunt their target. If you're a healer or DPS, clicking on a party/raid member will target their target (/assist).
This addon was inspired by Verro of on Fenris and his love of the original TauntMaster addon from back in the day.
And a very special thanks to my fellow guildies of on Fenris who helped in testing:
Devoile, Verro, Fezzie, Omgdots, Kayou, and others
- Addon Manager:
- Manually:
- Download:
- Installation:
- Unzip archive.
- Copy/move the
folder into yourWorld of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns
- (Re)Start World of Warcraft.