This repo hosts the community.vmware
Ansible Collection.
The collection includes the VMware modules and plugins supported by Ansible VMware community to help the management of VMware infrastructure.
Release | Status | Expected end of life |
3 | Maintained | Nov 2024 |
2 | Maintained (bug fixes only) | Nov 2023 |
1 | Unmaintained | Nov 2022 |
This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.13.0.
For collections that support Ansible 2.9, please ensure you update your network_os
to use the
fully qualified collection name (for example, cisco.ios.ios
Plugins and modules within a collection may be tested with only specific Ansible versions.
A collection may contain metadata that identifies these versions.
PEP440 is the schema used to describe the versions of Ansible.
Before using the VMware community collection, you need to install the collection with the ansible-galaxy
ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware
You can also include it in a requirements.yml
file and install it via ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
using the format:
- name: community.vmware
VMware community collection depends on Python 3.8+ and on following third party libraries:
Installing collection does not install any required third party Python libraries or SDKs. You need to install the required Python libraries using following command:
pip install -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/vmware/requirements.txt
If you are working on developing and/or testing VMware community collection, you may want to install additional requirements using following command:
pip install -r ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community/vmware/test-requirements.txt
Name | Description |
community.vmware.vmware_tools | Execute tasks inside a VM via VMware Tools |
Name | Description |
community.vmware.vmware | HttpApi Plugin for VMware REST API |
Name | Description |
community.vmware.vmware_host_inventory | VMware ESXi hostsystem inventory source |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_inventory | VMware Guest inventory source |
Name | Description |
community.vmware.vcenter_domain_user_group_info | Gather user or group information of a domain |
community.vmware.vcenter_extension | Register/deregister vCenter Extensions |
community.vmware.vcenter_extension_info | Gather info vCenter extensions |
community.vmware.vcenter_folder | Manage folders on given datacenter |
community.vmware.vcenter_license | Manage VMware vCenter license keys |
community.vmware.vcenter_standard_key_provider | Add, reconfigure or remove Standard Key Provider on vCenter server |
community.vmware.vmware_about_info | Provides information about VMware server to which user is connecting to |
community.vmware.vmware_category | Manage VMware categories |
community.vmware.vmware_category_info | Gather info about VMware tag categories |
community.vmware.vmware_cfg_backup | Backup / Restore / Reset ESXi host configuration |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster | Manage VMware vSphere clusters |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster_dpm | Manage Distributed Power Management (DPM) on VMware vSphere clusters |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster_drs | Manage Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) on VMware vSphere clusters |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster_ha | Manage High Availability (HA) on VMware vSphere clusters |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster_info | Gather info about clusters available in given vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster_vcls | Override the default vCLS (vSphere Cluster Services) VM disk placement for this cluster. |
community.vmware.vmware_cluster_vsan | Manages virtual storage area network (vSAN) configuration on VMware vSphere clusters |
community.vmware.vmware_content_deploy_ovf_template | Deploy Virtual Machine from ovf template stored in content library. |
community.vmware.vmware_content_deploy_template | Deploy Virtual Machine from template stored in content library. |
community.vmware.vmware_content_library_info | Gather information about VMWare Content Library |
community.vmware.vmware_content_library_manager | Create, update and delete VMware content library |
community.vmware.vmware_custom_attribute | Manage custom attributes definitions |
community.vmware.vmware_custom_attribute_manager | Manage custom attributes from VMware for the given vSphere object |
community.vmware.vmware_datacenter | Manage VMware vSphere Datacenters |
community.vmware.vmware_datacenter_info | Gather information about VMware vSphere Datacenters |
community.vmware.vmware_datastore | Configure Datastores |
community.vmware.vmware_datastore_cluster | Manage VMware vSphere datastore clusters |
community.vmware.vmware_datastore_cluster_manager | Manage VMware vSphere datastore cluster's members |
community.vmware.vmware_datastore_info | Gather info about datastores available in given vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_datastore_maintenancemode | Place a datastore into maintenance mode |
community.vmware.vmware_deploy_ovf | Deploys a VMware virtual machine from an OVF or OVA file |
community.vmware.vmware_drs_group | Creates vm/host group in a given cluster. |
community.vmware.vmware_drs_group_info | Gathers info about DRS VM/Host groups on the given cluster |
community.vmware.vmware_drs_group_manager | Manage VMs and Hosts in DRS group. |
community.vmware.vmware_drs_rule_info | Gathers info about DRS rule on the given cluster |
community.vmware.vmware_dvs_host | Add or remove a host from distributed virtual switch |
community.vmware.vmware_dvs_portgroup | Create or remove a Distributed vSwitch portgroup. |
community.vmware.vmware_dvs_portgroup_find | Find portgroup(s) in a VMware environment |
community.vmware.vmware_dvs_portgroup_info | Gathers info DVS portgroup configurations |
community.vmware.vmware_dvswitch | Create or remove a Distributed Switch |
community.vmware.vmware_dvswitch_info | Gathers info dvswitch configurations |
community.vmware.vmware_dvswitch_lacp | Manage LACP configuration on a Distributed Switch |
community.vmware.vmware_dvswitch_nioc | Manage distributed switch Network IO Control |
community.vmware.vmware_dvswitch_pvlans | Manage Private VLAN configuration of a Distributed Switch |
community.vmware.vmware_dvswitch_uplink_pg | Manage uplink portproup configuration of a Distributed Switch |
community.vmware.vmware_evc_mode | Enable/Disable EVC mode on vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_export_ovf | Exports a VMware virtual machine to an OVF file, device files and a manifest file |
community.vmware.vmware_first_class_disk | Manage VMware vSphere First Class Disks |
community.vmware.vmware_folder_info | Provides information about folders in a datacenter |
community.vmware.vmware_guest | Manages virtual machines in vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_boot_info | Gather info about boot options for the given virtual machine |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_boot_manager | Manage boot options for the given virtual machine |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_controller | Manage disk or USB controllers related to virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_cross_vc_clone | Cross-vCenter VM/template clone |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_custom_attribute_defs | Manage custom attributes definitions for virtual machine from VMware |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_custom_attributes | Manage custom attributes from VMware for the given virtual machine |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_customization_info | Gather info about VM customization specifications |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_disk | Manage disks related to virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_disk_info | Gather info about disks of given virtual machine |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_file_operation | Files operation in a VMware guest operating system without network |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_find | Find the folder path(s) for a virtual machine by name or UUID |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_info | Gather info about a single VM |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_instant_clone | Instant Clone VM |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_move | Moves virtual machines in vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_network | Manage network adapters of specified virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_powerstate | Manages power states of virtual machines in vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_register_operation | VM inventory registration operation |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_screenshot | Create a screenshot of the Virtual Machine console. |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_sendkey | Send USB HID codes to the Virtual Machine's keyboard. |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_serial_port | Manage serial ports on an existing VM |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_snapshot | Manages virtual machines snapshots in vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_snapshot_info | Gather info about virtual machine's snapshots in vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_storage_policy | Set VM Home and disk(s) storage policy profiles. |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_tools_info | Gather info about VMware tools installed in VM |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_tools_upgrade | Module to upgrade VMTools |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_tools_wait | Wait for VMware tools to become available |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_tpm | Add or remove vTPM device for specified VM. |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_vgpu | Modify vGPU video card profile of the specified virtual machine in the given vCenter infrastructure |
community.vmware.vmware_guest_video | Modify video card configurations of specified virtual machine in given vCenter infrastructure |
community.vmware.vmware_host | Add, remove, or move an ESXi host to, from, or within vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_host_acceptance | Manage the host acceptance level of an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_active_directory | Joins an ESXi host system to an Active Directory domain or leaves it |
community.vmware.vmware_host_auto_start | Manage the auto power ON or OFF for vm on ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_capability_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's capability information |
community.vmware.vmware_host_config_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's advance configuration information |
community.vmware.vmware_host_config_manager | Manage advanced system settings of an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_custom_attributes | Manage custom attributes from VMware for the given ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_datastore | Manage a datastore on ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_disk_info | Gathers information about disks attached to given ESXi host/s. |
community.vmware.vmware_host_dns | Manage DNS configuration of an ESXi host system |
community.vmware.vmware_host_dns_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's DNS configuration information |
community.vmware.vmware_host_facts | Gathers facts about remote ESXi hostsystem |
community.vmware.vmware_host_feature_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's feature capability information |
community.vmware.vmware_host_firewall_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's firewall configuration information |
community.vmware.vmware_host_firewall_manager | Manage firewall configurations about an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_hyperthreading | Enables/Disables Hyperthreading optimization for an ESXi host system |
community.vmware.vmware_host_ipv6 | Enables/Disables IPv6 support for an ESXi host system |
community.vmware.vmware_host_iscsi | Manage the iSCSI configuration of ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_iscsi_info | Gather iSCSI configuration information of ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_kernel_manager | Manage kernel module options on ESXi hosts |
community.vmware.vmware_host_lockdown | Manage administrator permission for the local administrative account for the ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_lockdown_exceptions | Manage Lockdown Mode Exception Users |
community.vmware.vmware_host_logbundle | Fetch logbundle file from ESXi |
community.vmware.vmware_host_logbundle_info | Gathers manifest info for logbundle |
community.vmware.vmware_host_ntp | Manage NTP server configuration of an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_ntp_info | Gathers info about NTP configuration on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_package_info | Gathers info about available packages on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_passthrough | Manage PCI device passthrough settings on host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_powermgmt_policy | Manages the Power Management Policy of an ESXI host system |
community.vmware.vmware_host_powerstate | Manages power states of host systems in vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_host_scanhba | Rescan host HBA's and optionally refresh the storage system |
community.vmware.vmware_host_scsidisk_info | Gather information about SCSI disk attached to the given ESXi |
community.vmware.vmware_host_service_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's services |
community.vmware.vmware_host_service_manager | Manage services on a given ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_snmp | Configures SNMP on an ESXi host system |
community.vmware.vmware_host_sriov | Manage SR-IOV settings on host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_ssl_info | Gather info of ESXi host system about SSL |
community.vmware.vmware_host_tcpip_stacks | Manage the TCP/IP Stacks configuration of ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_user_manager | Manage users of ESXi |
community.vmware.vmware_host_vmhba_info | Gathers info about vmhbas available on the given ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_host_vmnic_info | Gathers info about vmnics available on the given ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_local_role_info | Gather info about local roles on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_local_role_manager | Manage local roles on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_local_user_info | Gather info about users on the given ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_local_user_manager | Manage local users on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_maintenancemode | Place a host into maintenance mode |
community.vmware.vmware_migrate_vmk | Migrate a VMK interface from VSS to VDS |
community.vmware.vmware_object_custom_attributes_info | Gather custom attributes of an object |
community.vmware.vmware_object_rename | Renames VMware objects |
community.vmware.vmware_object_role_permission | Manage local roles on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_object_role_permission_info | Gather information about object's permissions |
community.vmware.vmware_portgroup | Create a VMware portgroup |
community.vmware.vmware_portgroup_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's Port Group configuration |
community.vmware.vmware_recommended_datastore | Returns the recommended datastore from a SDRS-enabled datastore cluster |
community.vmware.vmware_resource_pool | Add/remove resource pools to/from vCenter |
community.vmware.vmware_resource_pool_info | Gathers info about resource pool information |
community.vmware.vmware_tag | Manage VMware tags |
community.vmware.vmware_tag_info | Manage VMware tag info |
community.vmware.vmware_tag_manager | Manage association of VMware tags with VMware objects |
community.vmware.vmware_target_canonical_info | Return canonical (NAA) from an ESXi host system |
community.vmware.vmware_vc_infraprofile_info | List and Export VMware vCenter infra profile configs. |
community.vmware.vmware_vcenter_settings | Configures general settings on a vCenter server |
community.vmware.vmware_vcenter_settings_info | Gather info vCenter settings |
community.vmware.vmware_vcenter_statistics | Configures statistics on a vCenter server |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_config_option | Return supported guest ID list and VM recommended config option for specific guest OS |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_host_drs_rule | Creates vm/host group in a given cluster |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_info | Return basic info pertaining to a VMware machine guest |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_shell | Run commands in a VMware guest operating system |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_storage_policy | Create vSphere storage policies |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_storage_policy_info | Gather information about vSphere storage profile defined storage policy information. |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_vm_drs_rule | Configure VMware DRS Affinity rule for virtual machines in the given cluster |
community.vmware.vmware_vm_vss_dvs_migrate | Migrates a virtual machine from a standard vswitch to distributed |
community.vmware.vmware_vmkernel | Manages a VMware VMkernel Adapter of an ESXi host. |
community.vmware.vmware_vmkernel_info | Gathers VMKernel info about an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_vmotion | Move a virtual machine using vMotion, and/or its vmdks using storage vMotion. |
community.vmware.vmware_vsan_cluster | Configure VSAN clustering on an ESXi host |
community.vmware.vmware_vsan_health_info | Gather information about a VMware vSAN cluster's health |
community.vmware.vmware_vspan_session | Create or remove a Port Mirroring session. |
community.vmware.vmware_vswitch | Manage a VMware Standard Switch to an ESXi host. |
community.vmware.vmware_vswitch_info | Gathers info about an ESXi host's vswitch configurations |
community.vmware.vsphere_copy | Copy a file to a VMware datastore |
community.vmware.vsphere_file | Manage files on a vCenter datastore |
If you want to develop new content for this collection or improve what is already here, the easiest way to work on the collection is to clone it into one of the configured COLLECTIONS_PATHS
, and work on it there.
Refer testing for more information.
ansible-playbook tools/update_documentation.yml
Assuming your (local) repository has set origin
to your GitHub fork and this repository is added as upstream
Prepare the release:
- Make sure your fork is up to date:
git checkout main && git pull && git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/main
. - Run
ansible-playbook tools/prepare_release.yml
. The playbook tries to generate the next minor release automatically, but you can also set the version explicitly with--extra-vars "version=$VERSION"
. You will have to set the version explicitly when publishing a new major release. - Push the created release branch to your GitHub repo (
git push --set-upstream origin prepare_$VERSION_release
) and open a PR for review.
Push the release:
- After the PR has been merged, make sure your fork is up to date:
git checkout main && git pull && git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/main
. - Tag the release:
git tag -s $VERSION
- Push the tag:
git push upstream $VERSION
Revert the version in galaxy.yml
back to null
- Make sure your fork is up to date:
git checkout main && git pull && git fetch upstream && git merge upstream/main
. - Run
ansible-playbook tools/unset_version.yml
. - Push the created branch to your GitHub repo (
git push --set-upstream origin unset_version_$VERSION
) and open a PR for review.
We have a dedicated Working Group for VMware.
You can find other people interested in this in the #ansible-vmware
channel on IRC.
For more information about communities, meetings and agendas see
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
See LICENSE to see the full text.