gitlab-registry-images-cleaner is a tool for deleting Docker images in Gitlab Docker registry. Tested on Python 3 and Gitlab 11.10.
usage: [-h] [-i FILE] [-j URL] [-u NAME] [-p SECRET] [-g URL]
[-r namespace/project] [-t SNAPSHOT] [-mr] [-mn] [-m X]
[-d X] [--clean-latest] [--clean-all] [--single-tag]
[--dry-run] [-z] [-v] [--debug]
Utility to remove Docker images from the Gitlab registry
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FILE, --ini FILE use this INI file (default: gricleaner.ini)
-j URL, --jwt URL Gitlab JWT authentication url. Or use $GITLAB_JWT_URL. (overrides INI value)
-u NAME, --user NAME Gitlab admin username. Or use $GITLAB_USER. (overrides INI value)
-p SECRET, --password SECRET
Gitlab admin password. NOT SAFE! Or use $GITLAB_PASSWORD. (overrides INI value)
-g URL, --registry URL
Gitlab docker registry url. Or use $GITLAB_REGISTRY. (overrides INI value)
-r namespace/project, --repository namespace/project
scan only these repositories (one or more)
-t SNAPSHOT, --tag-match SNAPSHOT
only consider tags containing the string or regex (with --match-regex flag)
-mr, --match-regex match tags by regex
-mn, --match-negate negate matched tags (tag should NOT match)
-m X, --minimum X minimum allowed number of images in repository (overrides INI value)
-d X, --days X delete images older than this time (overrides INI value)
--clean-latest also clean 'latest' tags (by default they're excluded from removal)
--clean-all delete all images in repository (DANGER!)
--single-tag only delete images with one tag (no 'co-tag' delete)
--dry-run not delete actually
-z, --insecure disable SSL certificate verification
-v, --verbose verbose mode
--debug debug output
To work requires settings in the INI file or environment variables
only "soft" deletes the images. Their data (image layers) are still stored.
To delete those, you must run Docker registry GC. With GitLab omnibus package, it's possible with the following commands:
sudo gitlab-ctl registry-garbage-collect -m
docker pull n0madic/gricleaner:latest
docker run --rm -e GITLAB_REGISTRY -e GITLAB_JWT_URL -e GITLAB_USER -e GITLAB_PASSWORD n0madic/gricleaner:latest -r group/project ...