Basically we have 3 services
- Scheduler
- Crawler
- Api
Scheduler is responsible for sending url to be scraped to crawler service via rabbitmq Crawler picks up urls from rabbitmq and processes them according to the processors defined in it. A processor can also send additional urls to rabbitmq to be processed through separate processor. After crawling pages. HTML is parsed according to processor defined and data is stored into postgresql Api is a REST service on top of that database that serves content in json format
Web framework to be used in API and Crawler services.
Message broker used as a communication medium between multiple ruby microservices
Data storage used to store and index amazon products data
Used for local development setup and well as running all the services combined. Can also help in production deployment and autoscaling
- Micro Service Architecture
- Ruby scripting
- Signal Trapping
- Scheduled workers
- Long running ruby processes
- Ruby async programming
- HTTP streaming (Huge json responses)
- GIN(General Inverted Indices) for text searching
- BRIN (Block Range Indices) for date range quering
- Hash indices for exact matching
- Background workers(Sneaker rabbitmq client)
- Product categories with hierarchy system(Parent client categories)
- Falcon async web server (Uses nodejs like event loop for non blocking request/response cycle)
- Batch async http calls (I/O wait minimized by using multiple http calls in parallel)
- SQL batch inserts/updates for better performance
Install docker on your system
- MacOS
Install homebrew package manager
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install docker desktop and git with brew cask
brew install git brew cask install docker
- Windows
Install/Update windows package manager winget (Update app installer package from windows store)
Install docker desktop and gitusing winget
winget install -e --id Git.Git winget install -e --id Docker.DockerDesktop
- Ubuntu
Install docker and git using apt package manager
sudo apt purge -y docker docker-engine containerd runc sudo apt install -y \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ gnupg-agent \ software-properties-common curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli git sudo systemctl restart docker sudo systemctl enable docker sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER newgrp docker
Fetch code using git
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
Move to project directory
cd proxycrawl-interview-test
Create env file with required environment variables
tee .env << ENV
Run project
docker-compose up scheduler crawler api
Check products through browser on url