Genese is a WordPress starter theme with a modern front-end development workflow.
Based on HTML5 Boilerplate, BrowserSync & WebPack (HMR).
📌 Modern front-end development workflow:
- Hot Module Replacement for Js & Scss files.
- BrowserSync to watch changes on PHP files.
📌 WordPress development workflow enhanced:
- Template wrapper: removes repetitive inclusions in template files.
- A nice organization of the code with some SEO snippets.
git clone
cd genese && rm -rf .git/
genese/ # → Root folder for the project
├── app/
├── inc/ # → WordPress Hooks and miscellanous helper functions.
└── walkers/
├── resources/
├── assets/ # → Frontend assets source and Configs of compiling process.
├── lang/
└── scripts/ # → Do touch, scripts to compile assets.
└── template-parts/
First you should get Nodejs installed on your machine. Then install npm dependencies
npm install
Configure the assets bundling
Start the dev script
npm run start
npm run build
- 3.1.1 — Customize webpack
- 3.1.2 — Include scripts into WordPress
- 3.2.1 — Declare navigations
- 3.2.2 — Declare widget areas (sidebars)
- 3.3.1 — Customize the base template
- 3.3.2 — Customize the template parts
- — Index views (index.php, archive.php, search.php)
- — Single views (single.php, page.php)