Six Pack is an adult beverage tracker that assigns exercise in exchange for each drink logged.
This app is for entertainment purposes only.
Consult a physician before performing this or any exercise program. 😅
This is a Capstone project for Ada Developers Academy.
The objective of this project was to build an original Android/iOS app using React Native.
- Android:
- iOS:
Built with:
The App is hosted on Expo's servers. You can interact with it at
To download and edit this project:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a Facebook Developers Account, create a new App, and note your App ID and App Secret:
Create a Project in Firebase using Realtime Database. (You will need to import the data from exercises.json into your Realtime Database under the root node.) Note your API Key, Auth Domain, Database URL, and Storage Bucket URL.
Create a file named .env in the main project directory with the following information:
On the main/drinks screen, click on a drink icon to add it to your log.
An assignment will pop up on the screen showing the drink type, time the drink was logged, and assigned exercise.
Click on the name of an exercise to get more details/instructions.
Click on the checkmark next to an assigned exercise to mark complete and dismiss it from your screen.
Normal mode pulls from a fixed database of exercises with accompanying instructional videos.
Expert mode pulls from the wger Workout Manager Exercise Database API. This is a wide range of user-generated exercise data, and some descriptions are better than others. Expert mode allows filtering of exercises based on available equipment.
Beginner exercise data courtesy of The CDC
Expert exercise data courtesy of wger Workout Manager
Icons made by Freepik and Roundicons from, licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0