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Statistics on number of requests per year month

Graeme Porteous edited this page Jul 15, 2022 · 1 revision

Can generate a CSV of the number of requests delivered successfully per year/month by running:

dates = Submission.delivered_successfully.order(:updated_at).pluck(:updated_at)
grouped_dates = dates.inject( do |m, d|
  m[d.strftime("%Y-%m")] += 1

grouped_dates.each { |k,v| puts "#{k}, #{v}" }

If you want to filter for a given case management system, this currently has to be done by looking at the reference format:

Submission.where("reference LIKE 'FOI-%'") # Infreemation
Submission.where.not("reference LIKE 'FOI-%'") # Not Infreemation - so iCasework as that the only other system we integrate with
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