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EscaPAID is the base marketplace app that can be customized by adding targets. Currently there are two targets:

  • Art With Me: a marketplace for artists to share their art with paying customers
  • Tellomee: a marketplace for premium experiences

Development notes:

  • Separate apps

    • iOS
      • The iOS project uses targets to toggle between apps
        • Currently Tellomee and Art With Me
    • Server
      • The server folder can be deployed to different heroku apps, one remote for each, each with different environment variables set up.
        • Currently the remotes tellomee and artwithme point to the apps tellomee-x and artwithme-x
      • To add a new app:
        • heroku git:remote --remote new-remote-name -a heroku-app-name
  • Environment Variables

    • This app uses environment variables to separate the different targets and configure things such as the private key for Stripe and the URL to the firebase database.
    • The following environment variables must be set:
      • DATABASE_URL: The url to the firebase database where the reservations are stored. It is of the form
      • STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and STRIPE_TEST_SECRET_KEY: The secret key (client secret) from the stripe dashboard.
      • FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY: The value for private_key in the firebase-adminsdk.json file donwloaded from the Service Account section of the Firebase console.
      • FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL: The value for client_email in the firebase-adminsdk.json file donwloaded from the Service Account section of the Firebase console.
  • Testing on local machine

    • On your local machine, you can use "npm start -- --target=tellomee" (for example) which will append TELLOMEE_ to each environment variable used. This way you can set up multiple sets of environment variables and easily toggle between them.
  • Setting environment variables for the firebase service account private key and email

  • To deploy just the server folder to Heroku ({{target}} is the heroku remote for the app target, for example, "tellomee" or "artwithme", and is also the git remote to the heroku app's delpoy git):

    • cd to root folder
    • git subtree push --prefix server {{target}} master
    • To set the environment variables on heroku (e.g. for the tellomee app):
      • heroku config:set DATABASE_URL="${{TARGET}}_DATABASE_URL" -a {{app name (e.g. tellomee-x)}}


A peer-to-peer marketplace for experiences






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