Golang PubSub Client for Google's PubSub Service
This is just a demo project, something we're using internally to manage our PubSub messages.
There are no tests yet, since it's just a testing package.
How to use
Use the publisher, subscriber or both. It's up to you.
First include the project:
import ("github.com/cucumber-tony/pubsub/publisher")
Then set it up:
agent := publisher.NewAgent()
agent.ProjectID = *ProjectID
Then publish a message:
slcD := []string{"apple", "peach", "pear"}
msg, _ := json.Marshal(slcD)
agent.Publish(msg, "my-topic")
You should see something like this:
2016/10/08 18:57:44 Published a message with a message id: 27
We recommend using the PubSub emulator for testing and development purposes. After installing and running this, export the emulator host as so:
export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8602
And then run again. All should be well.
If you're using this in GCE, you probably don't need any auth credentials. However, if you're using outside or DO need them, you can include by setting the following ENV variable:
if *Creds != "" {
Where Creds is the path to the JSON key, generated from your GCE portal.