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Myles Megyesi edited this page Oct 6, 2012 · 7 revisions

Validates that the given input represents a number. Accepts strings, integers and floats.


(defvalidator user-validator
  [:age :numericality])

(user-validator {:age 10})
; {}

(user-validator {:age "asf"})
; {:age ["is not a number"]}

(defvalidator user-validator
  [:age :numericality {:only-integer true}])

(user-validator {:age 10})
; {}

(user-validator {:age 10.0})
; {:age ["is not an integer"]}

(defvalidator user-validator
  [:age :numericality {:greater-than 18}])

(user-validator {:age 10})
; {:age ["is not greater than 18"]}

(user-validator {:age 19})
; {}


  • is-not-a-number The error message to supply if the value is not a number. Default "must be a number".
  • :only-integer Accept only Integers. Default (attr)-conifrmation.
  • is-not-an-int The error message to supply if the :only-integer validation fails. Default "must be an integer".
  • :greater-than Value must be greater than this value. Default nil.
  • :is-not-greater-than The error message to supply if the :greater-than validation fails. Default "must be greater than %s".
  • :greater-than-or-equal-to Value must be greater than or equal to this value. Default nil.
  • :is-not-greater-than-or-equal-to The error message to supply if the :greater-than-or-equal-to validation fails. Default "must be greater than or equal to %s".
  • :equal-to Value must be equal to this value. Default nil.
  • :is-not-equal-to The error message to supply if the :equal-to validation fails. Default "must be eqaul to %s".
  • :not-equal-to Value must not be equal to this value. Default nil.
  • :is-equal-to The error message to supply if the :not-equal-to validation fails. Default "must not be eqaul to %s".
  • :less-than Value must be less than this value. Default nil.
  • :is-not-less-than The error message to supply if the :less-than validation fails. Default "must be less than %s".
  • :less-than-or-equal-to Value must be less than or equal to this value. Default nil.
  • :is-not-less-than-or-equal-to The error message to supply if the :less-than-or-equal-to validation fails. Default "must be less than or equal to %s".
  • :odd Value must be odd. Default false.
  • :is-not-odd The error message to supply if the :odd validation fails. Default "must be odd".
  • :even Value must be even. Default false.
  • :is-not-even The error message to supply if the :even validation fails. Default "must be even".
  • :in Value must be in the given collection. Default nil.
  • :is-not-in The error message to supply if the :in validation fails. Default "must be included in the list".
  • :not-in Value must not be in the given collection. Default nil.
  • :is-in The error message to supply if the :not-in validation fails. Default "must be not included in the list".
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