- This hack exploit is part of "the Magic Joystick" project led by a french solidarity association: MyHumanKit - https://myhumankit.org/
- It occured during the Fabrikarium hackaton held in Mureaux, october 2019, with collaboration of MyHumanKit & ArianeGroup.
- Big credits to the 'can2RNET' github owners (Stephen Chavez & Specter) and their contributors to have documented and shared their exploit.
The complete documentation is available in french here : http://wikilab.myhumankit.org/index.php?title=Projets:Can2RNET
- Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B+)
- PiCan2 board (not used)
- R-Net cable
- Xbox360 gamepad
- /boot/config.txt
- /etc/network/interfaces
allow-hotplug can0
iface can0 can static
bitrate 125000
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE down
up /sbin/ip link set $IFACE up
- load /etc/modules
Reboot Raspberry, check 'can0' interface is set ( use
) -
Strip R-Net cable in half and connect chair to pican2:
white is can high
blue is can low
black is gnd
red is +vin
- Install CAN-UTILS
sudo apt-get install can-utils
$ candump can0 -L # -L puts in log format
(1469933235.191687) can0 00C#
(1469933235.212450) can0 00E#08901C8A00000000
(1469933235.212822) can0 7B3#
(1469933235.251708) can0 7B3#
$ cansend can0 181C0D00#0840085008440840 #play a tune
$ cangen can0 -e -g 10 -v -v #fuzz buss with random extended frames+data
$ candump -n 1 can0,7b3:7ff #wait for can id 7B3
Check original 'can2RNET' documentation first :
- doc/canPPT.pdf
- doc/RNETdictionary_*.txt
Spy CAN frames while :
- powering on JSM's joystick
- moving JSM's joystick
- activating light, horn, ...
Identify period JSM heartbeat frame:
- "03c30F0F#8787878787878787" @10Hz
Identify joystick control frame:
- "02000000#XxYy" @100Hz (device JSM n°0)
- "02001000#XxYy" @100Hz (device JSM n°1)
Induce JSM in error and send joystick frame on behalf of JSM
- Send at least 3 times in less than 1 ms this frame: "0c000000#"
- Send joystick frame with the same id "02000000#XxYy"
import can2RNET
from common import FRAME_JSM_INDUCE_ERROR, createJoyFrame
# send in less than 1ms theses frames to induce JSM in error
for _ in range(5):
can2RNET.cansend(cansocket, FRAME_JSM_INDUCE_ERROR)
# now let's take over by sending our own
# joystick frame @100Hz
mintime = .01
nexttime = time() + mintime
while True:
# get new XY joystick increment
joystick_x, joystick_y = get_new_joystick_position()
# building joy frame
joyframe = createJoyFrame(joystick_x, joystick_y)
# sending frame
can2RNET.cansend(cansocket, joyframe)
# .. at 100 Hz ..
nexttime += mintime
t = time()
if t < nexttime:
sleep(nexttime - t)
nexttime += mintime
JSMFollow - (not reproduced)
JSMEmulate - (not reproduced)
Launch this script on the raspberrypi
python3 runJSMExploit.py