YAPV is a library for building views for plasmid maps with no external dependencies and is framework agnostic. Plasmid maps are a common way to represent vectors. You can read more about that here or here.
They usually look like this:
YAPV is composed of renderer implementations as modules. You choose which renderer you want to use.
npm install @yapv/core
# and install any of the renderers
npm install @yapv/svg
# OR
npm install @yapv/canvas
import YAPV from '@yapv/core';
import SVG from '@yapv/svg';
import Canvas from '@yapv/canvas';
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.umd.js" />
// and use any of the renderers
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.umd.js" />
// OR
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.umd.js" />
ES Modules:
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js" />
// and use any of the renderers
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js" />
// OR
<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js" />
import YAPV from "https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js"
import SVG from "https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js"
import Canvas from "https://unpkg.com/@yapv/[email protected]/lib/index.esm.js"
For deno, since this is a web project that manipulates the DOM, make sure you let the deno compiler know via tsconfig.json.
"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ES6"]
const data = { ... }
const workspace = document.querySelector('#workspace');
// Attaches the viewer to the HTML element with the specified selector
const plasmidViewer = YAPV.create(workspace);
// Use the renderer implementation. Here, we use the SVG based renderer
// Draw it!
// We can swap that out, and draw again!
The 'data' instance is a JS object that conforms to the schema specified here. There are several sample files you can use as a reference.
If you're familiar with TypeScript, the data and properties are also defined here.
Please feel free to file an issue. We'll try our best to find time and sort it out. ^_^
Well that's great! Please see our CONTRIBUTING.md to get started with setting up the repo.
The YAPV repo is managed as a monorepo that is composed of several renderer implementation packages.