This Powershell scripts aims to build RaiBlocks github repo.
It does this by downloading, unzipping and installing all build tools listed @
Note Visual Studio 2017 and git is assumed pre-installed, running on either Intel/AMD 32-bit or 64-bit machine.
Some parameters are available to customize your installation:
[string]$RootPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Projects\RaiBlocks",
[string]$GithubRepo = "",
[string]$VsVersion = "2017",
[string]$Bitness = "64",
[string]$BoostVersion = "1.66.0",
[string]$QtRelease = "5.10",
[string]$QtPath = "C:\Qt",
[string]$CMakePath = $null,
[string]$ProgramFiles = $env:ProgramFiles,
[string]$Python2Path = $env:PYTHONPATH
More are available inside the script, but do not have to be changed in most cases.