Automated solution which offers an Azure AD Access review like user experience to get regular approval for guest accounts.
- The 'Manager' attribute of your guest users get's automatically populated with the identity of the inviter
- All Azure AD app registration information is stored in Azure Key Vault
- Almost zero touch deployment with ARM templates
- You can integrate existing guest users into this solution by populating the manager attribute in Azure AD
- You can configure the approval frequency for guest accounts
- Approval frequency respects last approval date for each guest account
- Azure Subscription
- Azure AD Audit & Sign-In Log forwarding to a log analytics workspace
- Azure AD App Registration
- Required permissions:
- Required permissions:
- Authorize 'Office 365 Outlook' API Connection in the Azure Portal with the Account you want to send your notification e-mails
- Create an action group for your log analytics workspace to trigger the Azure Function: 'PopulateGuestInviterAsManager'
- Add an alert rule to your log analytics workspace which triggers the action group
Query for the alert rule:
| where OperationName == 'Invite external user' and Result == 'success'
# Create new resource group
$rgName = "RG_AzureADGuestLifecycleMgmt"
$rgLocation = "West Europe"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgName -Location $rgLocation
# Deploy ARM Template with app registration details in parameters.json file
New-AzResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $rgName -TemplateFile "C:\Repos\GitHub\AzureADGuestManagement\03-LogicApp\template.json" -TemplateParameterFile "C:\Repos\GitHub\AzureADGuestManagement\03-LogicApp\template.parameters.json" -Verbose