Releases: mxcube/mxcubeweb
Releases · mxcube/mxcubeweb
- Tests for queue and beamline related routes
- Improved LIMS result display
- Refactored backend, routes where divided into a core part and a purely web server related part
- Formatted source using Autopep and Black to improve code style
- Better handling of right click for points
- Auto centering in pipeline mode not triggered correctly
New Features
Joystick / Navigation cross for sample translation
2D-Centered points, limits data collections performed on them to a certain oscillation range +- 5 degrees. Usefull for quick characterization and experiments where the setup is fixed in a certain plane
New focus control, with step input instead of slider
Hides grid automatically when omega rotates out of a configurable valid range (default +-5 degrees)
Server side rendering of LIMS (ISPyB) results
MXCuBE 3.0
Data collection methods
- Data collection
- Characterisation
- Helical Datacollection
- Mesh Scan
- Energy scan
- Workflows (Integration of thirdy party strategy calculation software)
Sample Management
- Sample changer integration
- LIMS integration
- Sample grid - providing sample overview, filter and search
Remote Access
- Remote access with mutiple observers
Beamline maintenance
- Facility to integrate beamline specific routines like Quick realign,
Anneal, Center Beam ...
This release adds
- Added advanced characterization options for BEST in characterization parameters dialog
- Improved grid / definition drawing tool
Bug fixes
- Remote access, select proposal on change operator, so that data is collected for the right user
- Remote access, always inhouse users to login locally (regardless of previously logged in user)
- Fixing coordinate frame when changing video size
This release adds:
- Better support for fixed wavelength beamlines
- Restriction of all routes to only authenticated sessions (mostly for remote access)
- Adaptations to grid for MD3UP
This release contains all V3 features, the remote access feature is not fully tested and
lacks some of the foreseen functionality, like explicitly passing control.
- Data collection
- Characterisation
- Energy scan
- Workflows (Integration of thirdy party strategy calculation software)
- Sample changer integration
- LIMS integration
- Sample grid - providing sample overview, filter and search
- Facility to integrate beamline routines / actions, (Quick realign, Anneal)
- Remote access (still in beta)
Merge pull request #732 from marcus-oscarsson/submoudle Submodule update