Jetlang Remoting project provides apis for connecting distributed systems. Jetlang provides a language agnostic wire level protocol and threading model for asynchronous distributed messaging. The library also contains client and server websocket implementations.
The latest version is available in the maven repository.
- JDK 8
- Jetlang Core -
#WebSocket Features
- Client and Server implementations
- The jetlang core library is the only dependency
- Websocket connections can subscribe and schedule jetlang events
- Low latency
- Minimal allocations
- Non-blocking sends
- Http Server
- Ideal for microservices - embeddable, lightweight
- Configurable threading - Single threaded for easy state management or use jetlang pool fibers for massive scalability
#Getting Started
#Jetlang Remoting Api Features
- Language agnostic messaging protocol -
- Stateful distributed sessions
- Session heartbeating
- Session lifecycles - Connect, Heartbeat, Session Timeout, Logout, Disconnect
- Automatic reconnects
- Asynchronous I/O with callbacks
- Tight integration with Jetlang threading
- Message format agnostic - binary, java serialization, json, thrift, etc.
- Simple text topics
- High performance
- Embeddable - Client and Acceptor implementations
- Distributed - No central server required.
#Getting Started