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The Archlinux User Repository eXplorer.


This script strides to be a lightweight AUR helper that takes on AUR-related tasks and nothing more.
It also offers the freedom to manipulate and keep track of all kinds of sources: self maintained or online ones. Theoretically it could be expanded to offer upload functionality to AUR.


git clone [email protected]:mvtab/aurx.git
cd aurx/
chmod +111 ./aurx

# Optional.

## Soft link.
ln -sf ${PWD}/aurx ~/bin/aurx

## Completion.
source <(aurx completion bash --executable-name aurx)




install | update

binary package
awk gawk
curl curl
echo coreutils
git git
grep grep
jq jq
makepkg pacman
sed sed
tee coreutils
debugedit debugedit
fakeroot fakeroot
strip binutils


binary package
grep grep
pacman pacman
sed sed


binary package
curl curl
echo coreutils
jq jq


binary package
curl curl
echo coreutils
jq jq


operation description
install designated option for comfortably managing custom sources.
remove Remove packages from system and the package list.
update designated option for installing online packages using /tmp as workdir.
search query the AUR with specific criterias and keywords via RPC.
completion generate completion for the specified shell.


Environment variables

Capitalized long option names with AURX_ prefix. For example for --search-criteria: AURX_SEARCH_CRITERIA.


option description default values
-a, --all Include all installed packages. false true, false
-f, --force Forces the current operation, if appliable. false true, false
-h, --help Display usage and exit. N/A N/A
-p, --persistent-path Where to save persistent information. ${HOME}/.aurx/cfg any path
-s, --source-path Work directory. ${HOME}/.aurx/src any path
-v, --verbosity Verbosity: 0 - none, 1 - stderr, 2 - all 2 0, 1, 2


option description default values
-c, --cleanup Delete sources after successful installs. false true, false
-C, --clean-operation Delete sources after unsuccessful installs. false true, false
-M, --makepkg-opts Opts to give in to makepkg installs. '-sirc' any makepkg opts
-d, --download-only Only downloads the repository from AUR. false true, false
-V, --verify-versions compare target versions to installed ones. false true, false
-w, --wipe-existing Wipe eventually existing sources. false true, false
-W, --overwrite-existing can the existing sources be overwritten false true, false
-x, --comparison-criteria criteria to use when comparing packages "rpc" "rpc", "pkgbuild"


option description default values
-R, --remove-opts Opts to give in to pacman for removing packages. '-R' any pacman opts


option description default values
-B, --block-overwrite Don't allow overwriting existing sources. false true, false
-k, --keep-sources Don't cleanup after successful installs false true, false
-K, --keep-failed-sources Don't cleanup after unsuccessful installs false true, false
-M, --makepkg-opts Opts to give in to makepkg installs. '-sirc' any makepkg opts
-x, --comparison-criteria criteria to use when comparing packages "rpc" "rpc", "pkgbuild"


option description default values
-r, --search-results Number of results to display. 20 any int
-S, --search-criteria Criteria to use in search queries. "name" "name", "name-desc", "maintainer", "depends", "makedepends", "optdepends", "checkdepends", "suggest"
-b, --sort-by Key to sort results by. "popularity" "firstsubmitted", "lastmodified", "votes", "popularity"
-o, --order-by How to order search results. "descending" "ascending", "descending"
-O, --no-out-of-date Remove all out of date packages. false true, false
-m, --maintained Only return maintained packages. false true, false


option description default values
-e, --executable-name The name of the executable 'aurx' any string

Running in containers

There is a folder called containers that contains detailed instructions for running aurx in a container environment.


Script can be ran noninteractively by changing the makepkg opts (-M, --makepkg-opts) to, for example, '--noconfirm -sirc'.
sudo password must be handled by the user. (see Limitations)


Install a new package or an existing source.
aurx install test
Remove a package from the system and the script's package list, with custom pacman remove flags.
aurx remove test --remove-opts '-Rsncu'
Download a package to modify before install.
aurx install test --download-only --source-path /tmp
cd /tmp/test
# modifications
cd -
aurx install test --source-path /tmp
Update a package only if the present source's version is higher than the installed one.
aurx install test --verify-versions --comparison-criteria pkgbuild
Update a package to the latest version available online and delete source after.
aurx update test
# equivalent of
aurx install test --verify-versions --overwrite-existing --cleanup --clean-operation --source-path /tmp --persistent-path ${HOME}/.aurx/cfg
Update all installed packages.
aurx update --all
# equivalent of 
aurx install --all --verify-versions --overwrite-existing --cleanup --clean-operation --source-path /tmp --persistent-path ${HOME}/.aurx/cfg
Query the AUR looking for only up to date and maintainted packages, sorting results by votes.
aurx search test --no-out-of-date --maintained --sort-by votes
Grab the all-time first 5 submitted packages of a maintainer.
aurx search FabioLolix --search-criteria maintainer --sort-by firstsubmitted --order-by ascending --search-results 5
Grab the latest 5 modified packages that have gcc as makedepends.
aurx search gcc --search-criteria makedepends --sort-by lastmodified --search-results 5
Get bash completion for custom executable name (where ${0} is not correct).
source <(aurx completion bash --executable-name aurx)


Not intensively tested

Don't use this script's base dir as sole copy of your work.

Sudo password

This script intentionally does not handle sudo passwords in any way.

You can increase the default duration of a sudo session by changing the Defaults timestamp_timeout in /etc/sudoers.
Additionally or alternatively, you can refresh the sudo timeout every time you execute sudo by adding alias sudo='sudo -v; sudo' to your .bashrc.


Package completions are using the AUR RPC, which has a daily rate limit of 4000 requests per IP per day.
Every tab does one request.


2024.09.16 Breaking changes - Default source directory changed.

While adding the --persistent-path configuration option, I also refactored and changed the default work directory for more scalability. To migrate any old data simply copy it to these locations:

sources:        ${HOME}/.aurx/src/
package_list:   ${HOME}/.aurx/cfg/package_list

Or just set the old directories with options or environment variables.


bash executable for exploring AUR







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