FluentWebUITesting is a fluent wrapper around WebDriver for web interface tests.
public void Should_display_the_date_the_installation_expires()
var steps = UITestRunner.InitializeWorkFlowContainer(
b => b.LabelWithId("lblAccuMail").Verify(
x => x.Exists().ShouldBeTrue(),
x => x.Text().StartsWith("Expires on").ShouldBeTrue()
RunTest("Public/Environment.aspx", "Environment", steps);
public void Should_navigate_to_the_Edit_page_if_Add_New_is_clicked()
var steps = UITestRunner.InitializeWorkFlowContainer(
b => b.ButtonWithVisibleText("Add New").Click(),
b => b.Title.ShouldBeEqualTo(EditTitle, "clicking Add New should put the user on the edit page"),
b => b.ButtonWithVisibleText("Save").Exists().ShouldBeTrue(),
b => b.ButtonWithVisibleText("Delete").Exists().ShouldBeFalse(),
b => b.ButtonWithVisibleText("Download").Exists().ShouldBeFalse()
RunTest(PartialUrl, ListTitle, steps);
The build script requires Ruby with rake installed.
- Run
to get the ruby dependencies (only needs to be run once per computer) - open a command prompt to the root folder and type
to execute rakefile.rb
If you do not have ruby:
- open src\FluentWebUITesting.sln with Visual Studio and build the solution
This project is part of MVBA's Open Source Projects.
If you have questions or comments about this project, please contact us at mailto:[email protected].