DOES NOT WORK ON MACOS IF YOU FIRMWARE UPDATE MARIO FIGURES TO APP VERSION 2.9 Failed to update the notification status for characteristic 17: Error Domain=CBATTErrorDomain Code=5 "Authentication is insufficient." Needs pairing in Bleak.
- Generates printable SVG scanner codes for LEGO Mario as well as Luigi & Peach. View the HTML live from the repository
- Provides a Python library for interacting with LEGO Bluetooth LE devices including:
- LEGO Mario (and Luigi & Peach) BROKEN ON MACOS WITH FIRMWARE 6.1
- LEGO Powered Up Remote Control (88010)
- DUPLO Train Hub No. 5
- LEGO Powered Up Hub No. 4 (88009)
- LEGO Technic Hub No. 2 (88012)
- LEGO Boost Hub No. 1 (88006) aka Move Hub aka JAJUR1
- Does not (currently) work with WeDo 2.0 Hub (45301) aka LPF2 Smart Hub 2. This does not seem to speak standard LEGO Wireless Protocol 3.0
- Has some idea about how to communicate with all but one Lego Power Functions v2 (LPF2) devices that can be attached to the hubs
- Does not have great documentation yet, but things like "python -m pydoc BTLego.LPF_Devices.RGB" are intended to be helpful, and may even be the basis of acceptable documentation... eventually
Try a Bluetooth example 1
git clone
cd legomario
python3 -m venv .
Activate the virtual environment. In bash: source bin/activate
python3 -m pip install Bleak
cd examples
ln -s ../BTLego
Python adds the script location to sys.path, so to run the examples in place, link the module into /examples ↩