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This project is an engine to play in Russian checkers. It is implemented
as a console program. Through command line any GUI or user can ask engine
about a position.

To install application try following commands:
    make check
    sudo make install

To install from GIT repository tun before
    autoreconf -vis

Now it includes some stupid engines for play and endgame tablebase generator (DTC metric).

Supported commands are:
  exit or quit                     - Exit from console
  move list                        - List of all possible moves
  move select “N”                  - Perform N-th move from the list (move list)
  fen                              - Show position alphanumeric FEN (
  fen “fenstr”                     - Set fen
  ai list                          - List of supported AIs (asterix marks current one)
  ai select                        - Ask AI to move
  set param [=] “value”            - Set some parameters
    Now supported:
      ai                               - AI as engine
      etb_dir                          - Directory for Endgame Table Base
  etb info                         - Show moves and DTC estimation
  etb index                        - Print position index in the Endgame Table Base
  etb load “dir”                   - Load tablebases from directory and update etb_dir.
  etb gen “postiontypestr”         - Generate endgame for given position type
    “positiontype” is a [wWbB] where w, b - black and white simples, W, B - black and white mam,
                   for example, “wwWB” is a position with two white simples, one white mam and one black mam.

Simple session is:

> set etb_dir /home/proger
> etb gen WB
Generating endgame 0+1 vs 0+1.
Turn 1: all moves are generated, base estimations are done.
Turn 2: add 4 new estimations (loosing).
  index  1025 estimation = -2: B:WKa1:BKh8
Turn 2: add 24 new estimations (winning).
  index  1763 estimation = 2: B:WKh8:BKe5
Turn 3: add 0 new estimations (loosing).
Turn 3: add 0 new estimations (winning).
Generation done, saving...
> etb gen WWB
Generating endgame 0+2 vs 0+1.
Turn 1: all moves are generated, base estimations are done.
Turn 2: add 70 new estimations (loosing).
  index 29417 estimation = -2: B:WKa7,Kh2:BKb8
Turn 2: add 914 new estimations (winning).
  index 29696 estimation = 2: W:WKc7,Kd6:BKb8
Turn 6: add 0 new estimations (loosing).
Turn 6: add 0 new estimations (winning).
Generation done, saving...
> etb gen WWWB
Generating endgame 0+3 vs 0+1.
Turn 1: all moves are generated, base estimations are done.
Turn 2: add 1156 new estimations (loosing).
  index 285873 estimation = -2: B:WKa7,Kd6,Ke5:BKb8
Turn 2: add 22644 new estimations (winning).
  index 287676 estimation = 2: W:WKb8,Kc7,Ke5:BKd6
Turn 12: add 868 new estimations (winning).
  index 279022 estimation = 12: W:WKa5,Kd8,Ke1:BKb8
Turn 13: add 194 new estimations (loosing).
  index 278593 estimation = -13: B:WKb2,Kc3,Kg7:BKb8
Turn 13: add 0 new estimations (winning).
Turn 14: add 0 new estimations (loosing).
Turn 14: add 0 new estimations (winning).
Generation done, saving...
> fen W:WKa5,Kd8,Ke1:BKb8
> etb info
a5-c3                          Win 12    num  3
d8-f6                          Win 12    num  9
e1-c3                          Win 12    num 13
a5-b4                          =         num  1
a5-b6                          =         num  2
a5-c7                          =         num  4
a5-d2                          =         num  5
d8-b6                          =         num  6
d8-c7                          =         num  7
d8-e7                          =         num  8
d8-g5                          =         num 10
d8-h4                          =         num 11
e1-b4                          =         num 12
e1-d2                          =         num 14
e1-f2                          =         num 15
e1-g3                          =         num 16
e1-h4                          =         num 17
> move select 13
> fen
> etb info
b8-a7                          Loose 11  num  1
b8-d6                          Loose 11  num  3
b8-f4                          Loose 11  num  5
b8-g3                          Loose 11  num  6
b8-h2                          Loose 11  num  7
b8-c7                          Loose  1  num  2
b8-e5                          Loose  1  num  4
> ai list
> set ai robust
> ai list
> ai select
> move list
1	a5-b4
2	a5-b6
3	a5-c7
4	c3-a1
5	c3-b2
6	c3-b4
7	c3-d2
8	c3-d4
9	c3-e1
10	c3-e5
11	c3-f6
12	c3-g7
13	c3-h8
14	d8-b6
15	d8-c7
16	d8-e7
17	d8-f6
18	d8-g5
19	d8-h4


Russian Draught (checkers)






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