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This repository list all public deployed smart contract address on Ethereum mainnet for mushrooms ecosystem:

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This repository list all public deployed smart contract address on Ethereum mainnet for mushrooms ecosystem.


Deployer address: 0x43229759E12eFbe3e2A0fB0510B15e516d046442

Mushrooms.Finance Contracts

MM Token: 0xa283aa7cfbb27ef0cfbcb2493dd9f4330e0fd304

MM Token on Fantom: 0xbFaf328Fe059c53D936876141f38089df0D1503D

MM Token on BSC: 0x73f059db0182dc2ed716d028e1b13033cfcbf63b

MM Token on Polygon: 0x2e220744f9ac1bf3045b0588d339f5fd3bb8623a

Timelock (24 hours): 0x5dae9b27313670663b34ac8bffd18825bb9df736

Timelock on BSC (24 hours): 0xe7e1c319164deb0786a2c9244bf8e0dbc51b6405

Timelock on FTM (24 hours): 0x43b17a7e0306bf2b2b92cdc100727c3615ff58a6

Timelock on Polygon (24 hours): 0xe7e1c319164deb0786a2c9244bf8e0dbc51b6405

Masterchef: 0xf8873a6080e8dbf41ada900498de0951074af577

Masterchef on BSC: 0x36cb43EB6F5168a1f8310b030a4De6B3B58B4664

Masterchef on FTM: 0x6539c525f74c3b8ce16fd4e89208a518e3bec7ff

Masterchef on Polygon: 0xB71353b0152084328c5C8a04c83cd9FFb3619944

Governance : 0x43229759E12eFbe3e2A0fB0510B15e516d046442

Dev Wallet (cold custody): 0xe80A9BD7bc44f1FcD0Af160459528F4Ecdd38698

Treasury Wallet (cold custody): 0x3567FDe6092509c0A9AaA66dA9c047979E7B0533

Earning Vaults

Controller: 0x4bf5059065541a2b176500928e91fbfd0b121d07

Controller on BSC: 0xb6f8eDBE5C4287F4F2034a06Ab80befB8bAa1F80

Controller on FTM: 0x8c9fb580bdce5eb2a36efff597568672a066d6d1

Controller on Polygon: 0xc3c4f804cd3e98b048cfb5a30d745a527cdc4e3b

Controller on Avalanche: 0xd9e13f990240553fd90ed4a2d314a6bc5850e32b

Strategist: 0x43229759E12eFbe3e2A0fB0510B15e516d046442

Governance: 0x43229759E12eFbe3e2A0fB0510B15e516d046442

Treasury Wallet (cold custody): 0x3567FDe6092509c0A9AaA66dA9c047979E7B0533

Timelock (24 hours): 0x5dae9b27313670663b34ac8bffd18825bb9df736

Timelock on BSC (24 hours): 0xe7e1c319164deb0786a2c9244bf8e0dbc51b6405

Timelock on FTM (24 hours): 0x43b17a7e0306bf2b2b92cdc100727c3615ff58a6

Timelock on Polygon (24 hours): 0xe7e1c319164deb0786a2c9244bf8e0dbc51b6405

Timelock on Avalanche (24 hours): 0x64bdf61de87920515c4cb1bc05c7f3f7d6c9d555

Name Want Mushrooms Vault Strategy TL;DR Possible Slippage in AMM for deposited/intermediate tokens Chain
Matsutake Field 3CRV m3CRV StrategyCurve3CRVv1 Yield $CRV NO Ethereum
Boletus Field crvRENWBTC mcrvRenWBTC StrategyCurveRENWBTCv1 Yield $CRV NO Ethereum
Kikurage Field DAI mDAI StrategyCmpdDaiV1 Leveraged Yield $COMP NO Ethereum
Lentinula Field USDC mUSDC StrategyCmpdUsdcV1 Leveraged Yield $COMP NO Ethereum
Agaricus Field MIR-UST UNISWAP LP mMIRUST StrategyMirUstLpV1 Yield $MIR NO Ethereum
Russula Field WETH mWETH StrategyMakerWETHV3 Collateralized minted $DAI supplied in Convex YES(DAI in Curve pool) Ethereum
Coprinus Field UNI mUNI Strategy88MphUNIV1 Fixed-rate Yield $MPH NO Ethereum
Pleurotus Field WBTC mWBTC StrategyMakerWBTCV3 Collateralized minted $DAI supplied in Convex YES(DAI in Curve pool) Ethereum
Calvatia Field LINK mLINK StrategyCvxLINKV1 Yield $CRV & $CVX YES(LINK in Curve) Ethereum
Helvella Field ZRX mZRX StrategyCompdZRXV1 Leveraged Yield $COMP NO Ethereum
Geastrum Field ALCX mALCX StrategyAlchemixALCXV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $ALCX NO Ethereum
Aleuria Field ALUSD mALUSD StrategyCvxALUSDV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CVX & $CRV Yes(alUSD in Curve) Ethereum
Lycoperdon Field USDP3CRV mUSDP3CRV StrategyUSDP3CRV Yield $CRV NO Ethereum
Rhizopogon Field RenBTC mRenBTC StrategyCvxRenBTCV1 Yield $CRV & $CVX YES(renBTC in Curve) Ethereum
Chaga Field yveCRV mYveCRV StrategyYvBOOSTPickleV1 Singled-Sided LP Yield $PICKLE YES(converted yvBOOST in SushiSwap) Ethereum
Lepista Field TUSD mTUSD StrategyTRUTusdV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $TRU NO Ethereum
Tremella Field CVX mCVX StrategyCVXStakingV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $cvxCRV NO Ethereum
Splitgill Field BTCB mBTCB StrategyAlpacaBTCBV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $ALPACA NO BSC
Lactarius Field BUSD mBUSD StrategyAlpacaBUSDV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $ALPACA NO BSC
Mycena Field EPS mEPS StrategyEpsStakingV1 Unlocked-Staking Earn $BUSD NO BSC
Trametes Field LOWB mLOWB StrategyLowbV1 Yield $LOWB NO BSC
Clitocybe Field CAKE mCAKE StrategyAnnexCakeV1 Yield $ANN NO BSC
Polypore Field XVS mXVS StrategyXVSV1 Yield $ANN NO BSC
Girolle Field ALPACA mALPACA StrategyALPACAV3 Supply in Alpaca Finance and LPing $CAKE YES(part of earned $ALPACA in Pancake farms) BSC
Shimeji Field WBNB mWBNB StrategyAlpacaWBNBV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $ALPACA NO BSC
Teal Basket BOO mBOO StrategySpookyBooV2 Supply in and LPing $BOO YES(part of earned BOO in SpookySwap farms) FTM
Indigo Basket Spirit mSpirit StrategySpiritV2 Supply in and LPing $Spirit YES(part of earned SPIRIT in SpiritSwap farms) FTM
Aqua Basket ICE-FTM Spooky LP mICEFTMSpooLP StrategyICEFTMSpooLPV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $BOO NO FTM
Azure Basket BOO-FTM Spooky LP mBOOFTMSpooLP StrategyBOOFTMSpooLPV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $BOO NO FTM
Coral Basket Spirit-FTM Spirit LP mSpiritFTMSpiLP StrategySpiritFTMSpiLPV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $Spirit NO FTM
Fuschia Basket USDC mUSDC StrategyCurveUSDCV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $FTM YES(USDC in Curve) FTM
Thistle Basket WBTC mWBTC StrategyCurveWBTCV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $FTM YES(BTC in Curve) FTM
Turquoise Basket WFTM mWFTM StrategyScreamWFTMV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $SCREAM NO FTM
Bronze Basket LINK mLINK StrategyScreamLINKV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $SCREAM NO FTM
Gainsboro Basket crv3Crypto mCrv3Crypto StrategyCrv3CryptoV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $FTM NO FTM
Blueberry Basket TUSD mTUSD StrategyScreamTUSDV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $SCREAM NO FTM
Mercury USDC mUSDC StrategyCurveUSDCV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $MATIC YES(USDC in Curve) POLYGON
Uranus WBTC mWBTC StrategyCurveWBTCV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $MATIC YES(WBTC in Curve) POLYGON
Jupiter crv3Crypto mCrv3Crypto StrategyCrv3CryptoV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $MATIC NO POLYGON
Neptune WMATIC mWMATIC StrategyAtlantisWMATICV1 Leveraged Yield $ATLX NO POLYGON
Saturn mUSD mMUSD StrategyMStableMUSDV1 Yield $MTA NO POLYGON
Pluto QUICK mQUICK StrategyQuickSyrupV1 Yield in Quickswap Syrup pool NO POLYGON
Amethyst USDC.e mUSDC.e StrategyCurveUSDCV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $AVAX YES(USDC.e in Curve) AVALANCHE
Ammolite WBTC.e mWBTC.e StrategyCurveWBTCV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $AVAX YES(WBTC.e in Curve) AVALANCHE
Apatite crv3Crypto mCrv3Crypto StrategyCrv3CryptoV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $CRV & $AVAX NO AVALANCHE
Kunzite WAVAX mWAVAX StrategyBenqiWAVAXV1 Leveraged Yield $QI & $AVAX NO AVALANCHE
Beryl VTX mVTX StrategyVtxV1 Auto-Compounding Yield $VTX & $xPTP NO AVALANCHE

Farming Pools

Chain Index Name Active Deposit Token
Ethereum 0 Super Mario ✔️ MM Token
Ethereum 1 Enoki Pot ✔️ m3CRV
Ethereum 2 Cremini Soup ✔️ MM-USDC UNISWAP LP
Ethereum 3 Chocolate Truffle ✔️ mcrvRenWBTC
Ethereum 4 Porcini Risotto ✔️ mDAI
Ethereum 5 Chanterelle Pancake ✔️ mUSDC
Ethereum 6 Lingzhi Tea ✔️ mMIRUST
Ethereum 7 Snow Fungus Dessert ✔️ MM-ETH SUSHISWAP LP
Ethereum 8 Fried King Oyster ✔️ MM-KP3R SUSHI LP
Ethereum 9 Maitake Tempura ✔️ mWETH
Ethereum 10 Budae Jjigae ✔️ mUNI
Ethereum 11 Creamy Pasta ✔️ mWBTC
Ethereum 12 Quinoa Burger ✔️ mLINK
Ethereum 13 Veggie Pizza ✔️ mZRX
Ethereum 14 Vegetable Dumpling ✔️ mALCX
Ethereum 15 Chicken Curry ✔️ mALUSD
Ethereum 16 Spicy Ramen ✔️ mUSDP3CRV
Ethereum 17 Malatang ✔️ mRenBTC
Ethereum 18 Pork Congee ✔️ MM-ETH UNISWAP LP
Ethereum 19 Phyllo Bundles ✔️ mYveCRV
Ethereum 20 Bacon Sandwich ✔️ mTUSD
Ethereum 21 Beef Stew ✔️ mCVX
BSC 0 Super Mario ✔️ MM Token
BSC 1 Eggy Bread ✔️ MM-BNB Pancake LP
BSC 2 Beef Omelette ✔️ mBTCB
BSC 3 Cherry Strudel ✔️ mBUSD
BSC 4 Omelette Curry ✔️ mEPS
BSC 5 Sirloin Steak ✔️ mLOWB
BSC 6 Pork Tenderloin ✔️ mLOWBUSDT
BSC 7 Larb Ubol ✔️ mCAKE
BSC 8 Barley Broth ✔️ mXVS
BSC 9 Kale Lasagna ✔️ mALPACA
BSC 10 Gnocchi ✔️ mWBNB
FTM 0 Super Mario ✔️ MM Token
FTM 1 Magenta ✔️ MM-FTM Spooky LP
FTM 2 Lime ✔️ mBOO
FTM 3 Navy ✔️ mSpirit
FTM 4 Cyan ✔️ mICEFTMSpooLP
FTM 5 Ivory ✔️ mBOOFTMSpooLP
FTM 6 Crimson ✔️ mSpiritFTMSpiLP
FTM 7 Maroon ✔️ MM-FTM Spirit LP
FTM 8 Orchid ✔️ mUSDC
FTM 9 Tan ✔️ mWBTC
FTM 10 Khaki ✔️ mWFTM
FTM 11 Goldenrod ✔️ mLINK
FTM 12 Chartreuse ✔️ mCrv3Crypto
FTM 13 Azure ✔️ mTUSD
Polygon 0 Super Mario ✔️ MM Token
Polygon 1 Aries ✔️ MM-MATIC QuickSwap LP
Polygon 2 Taurus ✔️ mUSDC
Polygon 3 Gemini ✔️ mWBTC
Polygon 4 Leo ✔️ mCrv3Crypto
Polygon 5 Virgo ✔️ mWMATIC
Polygon 6 Saturn ✔️ mMUSD
Polygon 7 Lyra ✔️ mQUICK


Chain Name Active TL;DR
Avalanche MushMon ✔️ MushMon smart contract
Avalanche LeverageShannonMon ✔️ LeverageShannonMon smart contract
Polygon MushMon ✔️ MushMon smart contract
Polygon LeverageShannonMon ✔️ LeverageShannonMon smart contract
FTM MushMon ✔️ MushMon smart contract
FTM LeverageShannonMon ✔️ LeverageShannonMon smart contract
BSC MushMon ✔️ MushMon smart contract
BSC LeverageShannonMon ✔️ LeverageShannonMon smart contract
BSC MushMon(pilot) MushMon pilot smart contract
BSC LeverageShannonMon (pilot) LeverageShannonMon pilot smart contract

Automation Jobs

Name Active Description
Generic ChainLink UpKeep for Mushrooms ✔️ ChainLink UpKeep for WETH strategy keepMinRatio & WBTC strategy keepMinRatio and sample here
Keep3r V1 Job for Mushrooms ✔️ Keep3r jobs to for all vaults & strategies, KP3R-V1 keeper script sample here, stats here, KP3R-V2-CLI compatible job repo here
Generic Strategy Keep3r for Mushrooms harvest Keeper jobs to harvest profits for 2 strategies: StrategyCurve3CRVv1/StrategyCurveRENWBTCv1, sample here


Name Active Description
yvWBTC(Deprecated) and yStrategy yVault/yStrategy for WBTC on & bagerdao
yExperimentalWBTC(Deprecated) and yStrategy Experimental yVault/yStrategy for WBTC on


This repository list all public deployed smart contract address on Ethereum mainnet for mushrooms ecosystem:



Security policy




Contributors 4
