A template with React, TS, Cypress (e2e & ct), GHA with CI architecture, Jest, ESLint, Prettier, Renovate, Husky, Lint-staged, and most of the things you need to get started with a new project.
npm install --registry https://registry.npmjs.or # specify the registry in case you are using a proprietary registry
# parallel unit, typecheck, lint, format
npm run validate
# no need to have server running for these:
npm run cy:open-ct # for cypress component test runner
npm run cy:run-ct # headless version
# runs the ui and api servers, then opens e2e runner
npm run cy:open-e2e
npm run cy:run-e2e # headless version
npm run test # run unit tests with jest
build --> Cypress e2e test
--> Cypress component test
--> Typecheck
--> Lint
--> Unit test