- A Single Page Application developed using React to display the list of GitHub repositories using the Github Rest API.
- React 18
- React Hooks
- State Management with Context API
It shows basic details of the repo like:
- Repo name: (name/full_name)
- Description: (description)
- Owner name: (owner.login)
- Stars count: (stargazers_count)
- Number of forks: (forks_count)
- Language: (language)
- On click of the card/item the user should be redirected to the GitHub repository page
- Pagination - User should be able to view the repo list in a paginated manner, List of options to be implemented
- Page number
- Page size (default is 10)
- Next page
- Previous page
- Search based on language and name
- Sorting (Ascending and Descending):
- Sort by stars
- Sort by Name