This repository is just for testing gohugo
Here a Screenshot of
- Hugo
- Asciidoctor content
- usage of local Asciidoctor includes
- usage of asciidoctor-diagram
# to get theme
git submodule update --init --recursive
# optional: to use your own hugo build:
export PATH=$PATH:~/prototypes/hugo
# optional: to get hugo documentation modules
hugo mod get -u
Please check if parameters in config.toml
are set correctly:
args = ["--no-header-footer", "-r", "asciidoctor-html5s", "-b", "html5s", "-r", "asciidoctor-diagram"]
workingFolderCurrent = true
Optional: Generate a PDF document (open issue: Hugo markup is rendered!):
# why has destination-dir a .. ? Answer: It is relative to base-dir
asciidoctor -v --trace \
--require asciidoctor-pdf \
--require asciidoctor-diagram \
--backend pdf \
--destination-dir ../build \
--doctype book \
--base-dir ./docs \
-a imagesdir=images@ \
Run Hugo with parameter --destination
hugo -v -d ./build server
This repo is tested on macOS and Windows with
- asciidoctor (2.0.10, 1.5.8)
- asciidoctor-diagram (2.0.2, 1.5.12)
- asciidoctor-html5s (0.5.0)
- graphviz (2.42.3)