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Releases: mtraynham/lodash-joins

Correcting umd export

05 Jul 20:51
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The switch from babel to typescript dropped the babel-plugin-add-module-exports with this commit. This corrects that same issue for Typescript where an import would return an object with a single default key. Instead it now correctly returns the default export.

3.1.0 - Bugfix/Webpack 5

05 Jul 11:03
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Fixes a bug with the typings and upgrades to Webpack 5 for client bundling.

3.0.1 - Correction to package inclusion

14 Jul 17:17
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  • Incorporates index.lodash.d.ts in the install, #19

3.0.0 - Wow it's been a while :P

14 Jul 02:21
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This release is a full restructure and migration of the project to using TypeScript. Some other additions are:

  • Added a secondary distribution dist/joins.js. This is a bundle that does not wrap the join functions in a new lodash context. You instead require each join independently (import {hashLeftOuterJoin} from 'lodash-joins/dist/joins). I eventually plan to move the project to this import structure, as it's much more modular.
  • Added a 5th parameter to join functions called a merger. Originally, lodash-joins would just assign both the left and right row to an object, but now users can provide a merger function to return whatever they want. This has been defaulted to the old assign method for compatibility.

Pre-Release: Update TypeScript definition and link with npm

16 Aug 11:53
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#10 - update package.json to connect typings d.ts file (thanks goes to @breath103)

Pre-Release: Adding a merger function for merge type joins

17 Jul 01:55
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The merger function offers an alternative to handling merge type joins (outer/inner/left-outer/right-outer). Instead of using lodash's _.assign to create a new row, users can now provide a function that will create a merged row.

function defaultMerger (left: LeftType, right: RightType): LeftType & RightType {
     return Object.assign({}, left, right);

function leftRightMerger (left: LeftType, right: RightType): {left: LeftType, right: RightType} {
     return {left, right};

The merge function will be called for all records of the output array, including rows that are not merged. In those cases, either the left or right record will be null.

Update Dependencies and Add TypeScript definition

17 Jul 01:29
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No significant code changes.

  • Add TypeScript definition file
  • Webpack upgraded from 1.x to 3.x
  • Use Jasmine instead of Mocha/Chai
  • Use Chrome Headless for testing


30 Dec 03:27
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No major code changes, just dependency updates and test suite enhancements.

Add JSDoc and ESLint

06 Jun 00:15
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Minor changes to actual code. Changes to documentation and code style (using ESLint with AirBnB config).

2.0! Upgrade to Lodash 4

12 Feb 03:01
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Lodash 4 is out and this release reflects those changes. On the browser, most of Lodash hasn't changed, but the node (modular) version has. Other than that, there have only been small optimizations to code since the last release.