TauTechies Prototype for Hack-the-Track, 2016
Allows the user to gain important information regarding traveling the metro with the press of a button. A short single press of the button will supply the user with a simple list of relevant data directly to their phone via text message where as a long press of the button will supply the user with a much more detailed list of information regarding their daily transit. When a person wants to use the metro on a daily basis it can be very important for that individual to know about any potential delays in his/her transit and would benefit greatly from being given all information necessary to establish times to arrive at the metro orbus station. With our software, a user can wake up in the morning and press the button on his/her AWS Iot and be given all necessary information instantaniously.
Once the user has created and updated thier respective profile, a simple button press will use real-time data to: -Provide time that the user should arrive at the metro or bus station given data on train or bus delays. -Provide the user with information regarding any incidents that have occurred in the metro.