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Database Schema Application

Nicole Madruga edited this page Dec 14, 2022 · 7 revisions

Database Area description: Application

Application instance

The application has all the visualisation and logic defined in the application template (described in Database Schema Template). When the Applicant clicks to apply for an application type (aka template) a new instance of one application is created for them. The Applicant user can make changes until submitting the application to be reviewed.


Representation of the application instance. All nested elements are accessible via joined tables and can be created or queried in the same call using the GraphQL engine.

The template_id links to the template used to display all sections and elements (questions) to the user.

The user_id links to the Applicant user that created this application.

The serial is a string used to display the application number to users - future plan is to allow custom serial numbers.

The name will be deduced by the template name + user + organisation names.

The is_active is set to 'true' for all applications that are still in the review process or are in Draft status.

The is_active is set to 'false' for applications that have finished the review process, have expired or were withdrawn by the Applicant.

The trigger is updated everytime the application has changes done by users or a scheduler. See more about triggers

The outcome is either 'PENDING', 'APPROVED', 'REJECTED', 'EXPIRED', 'WITHDRAWN'. The application is 'PENDING' during the review process, each stage will store also the outcome, so it will only be updated here once the review process is finished, resulting in either 'APPROVED' or 'REJECTED', or if the applicant doesn't finish in time, in which case it will be 'EXPIRED'. ('WITHDRAWN' not currently implemented)


There is one or more stages per application template. Each one is defined by template_stage. The application stage history will keep records for when the application changed to each particular stage (previously defined for this application template).

The application_id links to the application.

The stage_id links to the template stage, which will have the name and number of this stage.

The time_created records when this stage was created.

The is_current is set to 'true' while this is the current stage of this application. Otherwise is set to 'false'.

To be considered: When the application review is not in progress anymore do we keep the last is_active stage as 'true'?


For each stage of the application it can have associated statuses. The application status history will keep records for when the application changed to each particular status of a stage.

The application_stage_history_id links to the application stage (and the application itself).


The time_created defined when this status of a stage was created.

The is_current is set to 'true' while this is the current status of this application stage. Otherwise is set to 'false'.

Question response

For every new answer that the Applicant give to each requested elements (questions) in the application a new application response is created. The Applicant user can make changes to responses until submitting or re-submitting the application to be reviewed.


The template_element_id links to the template element, which defines what is the question/information and how to render in the application.

The application_id links to the application.

The value is what the Applicant user enter as a response.

The time_created defined when this response was created.

More detailed description of response coming soon: value.