This is a modbus package for the Century/Regal Beloit EPC VGreen Motor family. This package implements the custom Modbus functions supported by these motors. There are multiple motors in the family and each have unique characteristics, especially the configuration flash structure. Each unique motor type should be implemented in a sub-class.
These motors do not implement any of the standard Modbus commands. The basic RTU Frame is the same as is the physial RS-485 interface. The commands they do implement are framed differently from standard Modbus commands.
The VGMotorBase and VGMotorGeneric classes implement read / command methods that should work with all vgreen motors. The VGMotorEVO class implements config read/write methods that will ONLY work with the EVO motor. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO WRITE THE CONFIG OF OTHER MOTORS WITH THE VGMotorEVO CLASS. While the only motor supported in the vgreen family is the EVO, more can be easliy added.
- Supported Modbus Functions
- 0x41: go()
- 0x42: stop()
- 0x43: status()
- 0x44: set_demand()
- 0x45: read_sensor()
- 0x46: read_id()
- 0x64: read_config() / write_config()
- 0x65: store_config()
NOTE: 0x64 is only supported for the EVO motor and implemented in the VGMotorEVO class.
- Python 3.9+
- Linux based system
- An RS-485 to USB or serial adaptor
- At least one vgreen motor
You can clone this git repository and install from local sources:
md {some base directory} cd {some base directory} git clone vgmotor.git
Create virtual envrionment in venv and make sure install tools are the latest version. Ensure that you are using a Python 3 interpreter when creating the virtual environment. Your interpreter might be "python" or "python3". You can check the version with "python -V" or "python3 -V". You may also need to change how the virtual environment is invoked (e.g. the "source" line below), especially on a Windows native python.
cd vgmotor.git python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
This assumes you are in the virtual python 3 environment above:
python -m pip install -U .
This assumes you are in the virtual python 3 environment above:
python clients/
Use the -e install if you'd like to develop or test. It will created an in place install so that changes to the source are used by your installation:
python -m pip install -e .[test]
pytest --cov=vgmotor --cov-report=term-missing --cov-branch
There are several example clients in the clients folder. To use this library you could modify those examples to match your needs. Eventually this may include a server to create an automation bridge using MQTT or REST, expecially for polling the motor status. The clients represent the descovery process for how to explore a new motor. Similar exploration with other motors might take the same path. The "raw_bytes" client is useful for studying a completely new motor family. The "_base_*" clients are useful for extending this package to support other Century/Regal Beloit EPC based motors.
- Implements EVO specific functions especially config. This client is designed specifically for the VGreen EVO motor. It will read some of the interesting identification and configuration items then enter a loop reading the drive status.
(venv) michael@stubby:~/test/vgmotor.git$ python clients/ Connecting to the Modbus Network at /dev/ttyUSB0 Read some Identification data Drive Software Version: 01.20.02 LVB Software Version: D2.27 Product ID: 0x1f Horsepower: 2.25 HP Read some Configuration data Serial Timeout: 60s Motor Address: 0x15 Digital Inputs Input Enable RPM 1 True 3450 RPM 2 True 1375 RPM 3 True 2600 RPM 4 True 1750 RPM Schedule Set A Selected Schedule: 5 Slot Hr RPM Hr RPM Hr RPM Hr RPM Hr RPM 1 2 3450 2 2750 6 1750 2 1150 12 0 2 2 3450 2 2850 6 1850 2 1250 12 0 3 4 3450 4 1750 4 1150 12 0 4 2 3250 8 1150 2 3250 12 0 5 24 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 24 1100 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 24 1725 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 24 3450 0 0 0 0 0 0 Schedule Set B Selected Schedule: 1 Slot Hr RPM Hr RPM Hr RPM Hr RPM Hr RPM 1 2 3450 4 2850 4 2250 8 1550 6 0 2 2 3350 4 2750 4 2150 8 1450 6 0 3 2 3250 4 2650 4 1950 8 1350 6 0 4 4 3150 4 2550 4 1850 6 1250 6 0 5 4 3050 4 2450 4 1750 6 1150 6 0 6 4 2950 4 2350 4 1650 6 1050 6 0 7 2 3450 4 2850 4 2250 14 1550 8 4 2950 6 2350 8 1650 6 1050 Read a few sensors (ctl-c to quit) Demand Speed Temp Torque Inverter Shaft Current Input Mode 1750 RPM 1749 RPM 24.0C 0.69 ft-lb 37W 23W 0.41A 0b00000111 0 1750 RPM 1749 RPM 24.0C 0.69 ft-lb 37W 23W 0.41A 0b00000111 0 1750 RPM 1750 RPM 24.0C 0.69 ft-lb 37W 23W 0.41A 0b00000111 0 1750 RPM 1750 RPM 24.0C 0.69 ft-lb 37W 23W 0.41A 0b00000111 0
- This client is designed specifically for the VGreen EVO motor. It will read some of the configuration items then modify the RPM values for IN1-4 and Schedule A/5. Double check that the client_evo_read functions are returning sane data before trying to write to your motor. DO NOT USE THIS ON NON EVO MOTORS.
- Use generic functions (base class) to control motor. The control functions (START, STOP, SET DEMAND, etc.) are common to all the motors in the VGreen family. This client will perform various motor commands while outputing the motor status.
(venv) michael@stubby:~/test/vgmotor.git$ python clients/ Connecting to the Modbus Network at /dev/ttyUSB0 Performing stop, demand, go, and status functions Status: STOP Stopping motor for 5 seconds --> success Status: STOP Starting motor --> success Status: RUN Setting demand to 1275 RPM --> success Reading a few sensors (ctl-c to quit) rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1800 temp=25.0 torque=0.70 power=34 input=0b00000000 rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1800 temp=25.0 torque=0.50 power=34 input=0b00000000 rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1260 temp=25.0 torque=0.50 power=34 input=0b00000000 rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1260 temp=25.0 torque=0.50 power=31 input=0b00000000 rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1260 temp=25.0 torque=0.50 power=31 input=0b00000000 rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1275 temp=25.0 torque=0.59 power=31 input=0b00000000 rpm_demand=1275 rpm=1275 temp=25.0 torque=0.59 power=31 input=0b00000000
- Use generic functions (base class) to read from motor. This client exercises read functions that are common to all the VGreen motors. The base class is intended to be used by a motor specific class; however this client might proove helpful in experimenting with non-EVO motors.
- Use generic functions (base class) to write to motor. This client exercises write functions that are common to all the VGreen motors and exposes generic methods. The base class is intended to be used by a motor specific class; however this client might proove helpful in experimenting with non-EVO motors.
- This sends and recieves raw unformatted bytes on the modbus network. This can be very handy for discovering how to interact with a new motor. This client program has many commented out pieces of code that were used to explore the EVO motor. Similar techniques could be used to explore different motor types.