Python Client Portal for ConnectWise Manage
The only important folder should be the "ict" folder inside /Scripts/
You need Python installed and pip installed (can be installed from the installer)
important commands (CMD as Administrator)
pip install django
pip install requests
pip install requests_toolbelt
pip install django-phone-filter
thats SHOULD be it, but if the commands below error out ping me with the message so I can see if its something missing
Navigate to your ict folder, then run python runserver This should begin a server on localhost:8000 . Once that is done and running you can edit the CWSETTINGS file with your APIKEY (already encoded) and you clientid (obtainable from the website)
Once you've added those, you can rerun the server and then test login.
#HOWTOAPIKEY Create the api key inside of manage, and the proper method of encoding is companyid+pubkey:privkey Once you have that fully correct then you can go to to encode it should spit something out like Gjh32048ghqw3gJHQ3g9h354yg==
Edit the CW_API_KEY to "Basic (apikeyhere)" and then add the clientID from the dev portal and it should function. so it should look liek this (fake fyi) CW_API_KEY = "Basic bGFidGVjaGdlZWtfZithZVJyVzhBZXU5bVZtQnVGOmtRWkpGaIeUU0YWRUMDA="