Bunch of credits must go to David for inventing such beautiful algorithm (Newton Apple Wrapper):
It is pretty well described in this paper:
Currently DelaBella makes use of adaptive-exact predicates by William C. Lenthe
Delaunay triangulations
Voronoi diagrams
Constrained Delaunay triangulations
Interior / exterior detection based on constraint edges
#include "delabella.h"
// ...
// somewhere in your code ...
int POINTS = 1000000;
typedef double MyCoord;
struct MyPoint
MyCoord x;
MyCoord y;
// ...
MyPoint* cloud = new MyPoint[POINTS];
// gen some random input
for (int i = 0; i < POINTS; i++)
cloud[i].x = rand();
cloud[i].y = rand();
IDelaBella2<MyCoord>* idb = IDelaBella2<MyCoord>::Create();
int verts = idb->Triangulate(POINTS, &cloud->x, &cloud->y, sizeof(MyPoint));
// if positive, all ok
if (verts>0)
int tris = idb->GetNumPolygons();
const IDelaBella2<MyCoord>::Simplex* dela = idb->GetFirstDelaunaySimplex();
for (int i = 0; i<tris; i++)
// do something with dela triangle
// ...
dela = dela->next;
// no points given or all points are colinear
// make emergency call ...
delete[] cloud;
// ...
For more tests and informations please see Benchmarks