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dx edited this page Mar 19, 2015 · 5 revisions

The web interface loads the contact list by GETting<type>&market=en-gb&appid=3C48F07D-DE71-490C-B263-A78CFB1CA351&version=W5.M2&cbus=<float> with the cookies form the login screen.

cbus and version are optional, and don't appear to be of any use. At least, you seem to get the same result leaving them out.

SerializeAs can be one of three values (or you can leave it out for XML):

Type Description
xml Ordinary XML (the default).
json The string <json> followed by JSON.
compact The string <json> followed by "compacted" JSON.

This last type is the one that requests, and consists of something resembling JSON arrays of strings, arrays, and nulls, except for the token null having been replaced by nothing, so [null,null,null,1] would be [,,,1].

Astoundingly, if you request XML, the schema is fairly nice. If you want a single contact, specify its UUID in a contactId parameter, and you'll get a <person/> element inside a <ReturnedPersonDetailsResponse/>

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