Angular simple yet powerfull library to convert file to base64
Run npm install alife-file-to-base64 --save
- Import
to your project and include module in imports section
import { AlifeFileToBase64Module } from 'alife-file-to-base64';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
<input type="file" alife-file-to-base64 multiple (onFileChanged)="onFileChanges($event)" [(fileModel)]="files" [(rawFileModel)]="rawFiles" />
- onFileChanged : Will get called when file will get selected by user. It will contain filename, filesize, type and base64.
- fileModel : To set the value of component variable
- rawFileModel : To set the value of component variable for raw files
Santosh Sagar
This module is released under the permissive MIT license