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Organization level templates

The Organization's .github repository is a special repository used for defining organizational level templates that are automatically inherited by all repositories in the organization.

These files can be added to the following folders in the Organization's .github repository:

  • the root of the repository
  • the .github folder
  • the docs folder

The following files can be included in .github repository. If any of your Organization's repositories does not include one of these files, then it will be inherited from the Organization's .github repository:

Table 1

File Name Purpose A CODE_OF_CONDUCT file defines standards for how to engage in a community. For more information, see "Adding a code of conduct to your project." A CONTRIBUTING file communicates how people should contribute to your project. For more information, see "Setting guidelines for repository contributors."
FUNDING.yml A FUNDING file displays a sponsor button in your repository to increase the visibility of funding options for your open source project. For more information, see "Displaying a sponsor button in your repository." A SECURITY file gives instructions for how to report a security vulnerability in your project. For more information, see "Adding a security policy to your repository." A SUPPORT file lets people know about ways to get help with your project. For more information, see "Adding support resources to your project."
Issue & Pull Request templates Issue and pull request templates customize and standardize the information you'd like contributors to include when they open issues and pull requests in your repository. For more information, see "About issue and pull request templates."
/workflow-templates Starter Workflows appear when creating a new Actions workflow. For more information see "Using starter workflows."

The following files can be included in your Organization's .github repository but will not be inherited by the other repositories.

Table 2

File Name Purpose
profiles/ Organization Profile displayed when viewing the Organization Default content displayed when viewing the .github repository Open source license

The following files can be included in any repository. They will not be inherited from the Organization's .github repository.

Table 3

File Name Purpose Default content displayed when viewing the repository Open source license

For more information on creating default community health files, see:


No description, website, or topics provided.



Code of conduct

Security policy





No releases published


No packages published