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Frontend is in /frontend, backend is in the root directory.

Front is React, back is Node.js with a Koa server accessing Mongo DB.


Set the following environmental variables:

  • MONGODB_URI to contain the Mongo DB URI with the login and password.
  • SECRET to contain some string for secret-keeping.
  • PORT to set the port.
  • SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK to true to silence some errors.
  • BGG_ID to set the BoardGameGeek user ID for rating syncing.

To run this on localhost:

  1. npm install
  2. cd frontend && npm install && npm run build && cd ..
  3. npm run watch
  4. See http://localhost:3000 or your choice of ports.

Deploying to Heroku should require no extra steps: deploy everything and Heroku will automatically build the frontend for you.

API documentation

GET /api/games

Gets games with session data included.

  • from=YYYY-MM-DD&to=YYYY-MM-DD (with to defaulting to current date, if missing).
  • week=WW&month=MM&year=YYYY (in any combination, if both week and month specified, month is used; year defaults to the current year).
  • order=name|plays to change the sort order, default name.
  • plays=N will filter out games with less than N plays from the list.
  • noexpansions if set will filter out expansions (games with a parent game set).
  • rating will only include games with rating equal or higher than the specified value.

GET /api/games/name/:name

Returns basic game information (no session data) for the named game.

GET /api/games/:id

Returns basic game information (no session data) based on database ID.

GET /api/games/gamenames

Returns a list of game names.

GET /api/games/firstplays

Returns a list of first plays for games.

  • from=YYYY-MM-DD&to=YYYY-MM-DD (with to defaulting to current date, if missing).
  • week=WW&month=MM&year=YYYY (in any combination, if both week and month specified, month is used; year defaults to the current year).

GET /api/games/playgoal

Returns a list of games that have reached (or almost reached) a goal number of plays.

  • goal=N sets the goal. The bottom limit is the goal - 10. Default 50.
  • from=YYYY-MM-DD&to=YYYY-MM-DD (with to defaulting to current date, if missing).
  • week=WW&month=MM&year=YYYY (in any combination, if both week and month specified, month is used; year defaults to the current year).

POST /api/games

Create a game. Following fields can be specified:

  • name, string (required)
  • designers, an array of strings
  • publisher, an array of strings
  • year, integer
  • owned, boolean
  • bgg, integer
  • rating, integer
  • gameLength, integer
  • parent, string

PUT /api/games/:id

Update an existing game based on database ID.

DELETE /api/games/:id

Delete a game based on database ID.

GET /api/sessions

Get session information.

  • from=YYYY-MM-DD&to=YYYY-MM-DD (with to defaulting to current date, if missing).
  • week=WW&month=MM&year=YYYY (in any combination, if both week and month specified, month is used; year defaults to the current year).
  • game to get just one game by name.
  • order=asc|desc to change the direction of sorting by date (default asc).
  • limit=N to show only N first sessions.

GET /api/sessions/games

Returns a list of games played during the specified period.

  • from=YYYY-MM-DD&to=YYYY-MM-DD (with to defaulting to current date, if missing).
  • week=WW&month=MM&year=YYYY (in any combination, if both week and month specified, month is used; year defaults to the current year).
  • order=rating|name to set the sort order (default rating).
  • output=bbcode to get results in BBCode formatting as a JSON string.

GET /api/sessions/:id

Returns basic session information based on database ID.

POST /api/sessions

Create a session. Following fields can be specified:

  • game, string (required)
  • players, integer (required)
  • wins, integer (default 0)
  • plays, integer (required)
  • date, string in a format Date.parse() understands (required)

PUT /api/sessions/:id

Update an existing session based on database ID.

DELETE /api/sessions/:id

Delete a session based on database ID.


Copyright Mikko Saari ([email protected]). MIT license.

Favicon icon: stats by Alice Design from the Noun Project.


Board game stats app.







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