Visualization for C#, Blazor interop wrapper for Viz.js
Live demo:
I usually use C# for prototyping and development of algorithms, and for one of my projects, I needed some tree data structures visualization. I came up with this idea, and I’m sharing with you this quick and dirty code.
For this solution, I have used Visual Studio 2022 Preview and .NET 6.0
Blazor web client project (BlazorVizView):
- Viz.js, Emscripten version of Graphviz
- svg-pan-zoom.js, pan/zoom for HTML SVG
- vizInterop.js custom Javascript code to put everything together
- reference to an external dummy project (DummyClassLibrary)
C# Class library project (DummyClassLibrary):
- Roslyn CSharpSyntaxWalker to generate Graphviz DOT language file