- gcloud command line tool
- set the google application credentials
- enable the following GCP APIs (cloud functions, cloud vision api, cloud pubsub, cloud storage, cloud translate api, ml, cloud firestore api)
- conda
- npm
- firebase CLI
Download repo and setup python path
git clone https://github.com/mrubash1/ml_pipeline_tutorial
cd ml_pipeline_tutorial
echo "export ml_pipeline_tutorial=${PWD}" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$ml_pipeline_tutorial/src:${PYTHONPATH}" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Setup conda environment and activate
conda create --name ml_pipeline python=2.7
source activate ml_pipeline
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install a clean version of tensorflow models within the library Then move the cocodataset to tensorflow/models/research directory
source activate ml_pipeline
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/models
git clone https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi.git
cd cocoapi/PythonAPI
cp -r pycocotools ../../models/research/
Create the protocol buffers, and add libraries to the python paht
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research
protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto --python_out=.
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/slim" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
source activate ml_pipeline
Test if successful
python $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection/builders/model_builder_test.py
Download standard object detection model and inference package
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection
curl http://download.tensorflow.org/models/object_detection/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28.tar.gz | tar -xz
Export a model for GCP ML Engine
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection
python export_inference_graph.py \
--input_type encoded_image_string_tensor \
--pipeline_config_path ${OBJECT_DETECTION_CONFIG} \
--trained_checkpoint_prefix $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/model.ckpt \
--output_directory $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/output
You can inspect the exported graph to make sure it is complete via:
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection
saved_model_cli show --dir faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/output/saved_model --all
Prepare the inputs as a list of JSON objects as the inputs for the prediction service.
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial
python src/python/image_formatter.py
Verify that the inference can run locally
gcloud ml-engine local predict \
--model-dir $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection/faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/output/saved_model \
--json-instances $ml_pipeline_tutorial/data/processed/inputs.json
Upload the trained model to google cloud storage
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/models/research/object_detection
gsutil -m cp -R faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28/output/saved_model/saved_model.pb gs://mr_faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco_2018_01_28
Create a GCP ML Engine Model
gcloud ml-engine models create $MODEL_NAME
gcloud ml-engine versions create "v1_7" --model $MODEL_NAME \
--runtime-version 1.4
Check that it worked
gcloud ml-engine versions describe "v1_0" \
--model $MODEL_NAME
This code is based off of Sara Robinson's Taylor Swift detection code
- In
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/firebase
initialize a project viafirebase init
with Storage, Functions, and Firestore. - Then go to https://console.firebase.google.com to add the firebase project to your existing gcp project, and run
firebase use --add
to add the project - Make sure Cloud Firestore is enabled in GCP conosle and Firebase console
- Make sure v0.9.1 of Cloud Functions is installed, 1.0 and beyond is incompatible!
- Then deploy the function in
cd $ml_pipeline_tutorial/tswift-detection
by running:firebase deploy
. - Once the function deploys, test it out: create an
subdirectory in the Storage bucket in your Firebase console - Then upload an image (ideally it contains whatever you're trying to detect). If you're detection model finds an object in the image with > 70% confidence (I chose 70%, you can change it in the functions code), you should see something like the following written to your Firestore database:
The following section borrows extensively from Google's OCR Tutorial Set up the app/config.json file
"RESULT_TOPIC": "ml_pipeline_v0_result_topic",
"RESULT_BUCKET": "ml_pipeline_v0_result_bucket",
"TRANSLATE_TOPIC": "ml_pipeline_v0_translate_topic",
"TRANSLATE": true,
"TO_LANG": ["en", "fr", "es", "ja", "ru"]
And make sure to create these buckets!
The Node file app/index.js does several functions:
- import several dependencies in order to communicate with Google Cloud Platform services
- reads an uploaded image file from Cloud Storage and calls the detectText function
- extracts text from the image using the Cloud Vision API and queues the text for translation:
- translates the extracted text and queues the translated text to be saved back to Cloud Storage
- receives the translated text and saves it back to Cloud Storage
Navigate to $ml_pipeline_tutorial/app To deploy the process image function:
gcloud beta functions deploy ocr-extract --trigger-bucket ml_pipeline_tutorial_v0 --entry-point processImage
To deploy the translateText function with a Cloud Pub/Sub trigger:
gcloud beta functions deploy ocr-translate --trigger-topic ml_pipeline_v0_translate_topic --entry-point translateText
To deploy the saveResult function with a Cloud Pub/Sub trigger:
gcloud beta functions deploy ocr-save --trigger-topic ml_pipeline_v0_result_topic --entry-point saveResult
python $ml_pipeline_tutorial/src/python/stub_image_uploader.py \
--project=myproject-204318 \
--bucket_name='ml_pipeline_tutorial_v0' \
--local_filename='/Users/mattrubashkin/ml_pipeline_tutorial/data/french_sign.jpg' \
This specific bucket can be found here
TODO: Show pipeline here To see the logs after images are uploaded to the bucket:
gcloud beta functions logs read --limit 100