Framework for machine learning projects at Insight Data Science.
- Insight_Project_Framework : Put all source code for production within structured directory
- tests : Put all source code for testing in an easy to find location
- configs : Enable modification of all preset variables within single directory (consisting of one or many config files for separate tasks)
- data : Include example a small amount of data in the Github repository so tests can be run to validate installation
- build : Include scripts that automate building of a standalone environment
- static : Any images or content to include in the README or web framework if part of the pipeline
Clone repository and update python path
repo_name=Insight_Project_Framework # URL of your new repository
username=mrubash1 # Username for your personal github account
git clone$username/$repo_name
cd $repo_name
echo "export $repo_name=${PWD}" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$repo_name/src:${PYTHONPATH}" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Create new development branch and switch onto it
branch_name=dev-readme_requisites-20180905 # Name of development branch, of the form 'dev-feature_name-date_of_creation'}}
git checkout -b $branch_name
Lets start with a blank slate: remove .git
and re initialize the repo
cd $repo_name
rm -rf .git
git init
git status
You'll see a list of file, these are files that git doesn't recognize. At this point, feel free to change the directory names to match your project. i.e. change the parent directory Insight_Project_Framework and the project directory Insight_Project_Framework: Now commit these:
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin $branch_name
- List all packages and software needed to build the environment
- This could include cloud command line tools (i.e. gsutil), package managers (i.e. conda), etc.
To install the package above, pleae run:
pip install -r requiremnts
- Include instructions of how to launch scripts in the build subfolder
- Build scripts can include shell scripts or python files
- The purpose of these scripts is to build a standalone environment, for running the code in this repository
- The environment can be for local use, or for use in a cloud environment
- If using for a cloud environment, commands could include CLI tools from a cloud provider (i.e. gsutil from Google Cloud Platform)
# Example
# Step 1
# Step 2
- We recommond using either .yaml or .txt for your config files, not .json
- If credentials are needed, use environment variables or HashiCorp's Vault
- Include instructions for how to run all tests after the software is installed
# Example
# Step 1
# Step 2
- Include instructions on how to run inference
- i.e. image classification on a single image for a CNN deep learning project
# Example
# Step 1
# Step 2
- Include instructions of how to build the model
- This can be done either locally or on the cloud
# Example
# Step 1
# Step 2
- Include instructions of how to set up a REST or RPC endpoint
- This is for running remote inference via a custom model
# Example
# Step 1
# Step 2
- Include some form of EDA (exploratory data analysis)
- And/or include benchmarking of the model and results
# Example
# Step 1
# Step 2