An example Vaadin 8 Java EE application that demonstrates how to use Vaadin's server push and Java EE messaging APIs to send messages to client browsers in real time. Uses JMS 2.0 API for sending messages, message-driven beans for receiving them and a separate singleton broadcaster to broadcast messages to Vaadin UIs (the broadcaster is recommended by Vaadin as a bridge for connecting message-driven beans and Vaadin UIs that have different lifetimes). Vaadin's server push uses a WebSocket connection by default.
Tested with WildFly 10.1, but should work equally well with other Java EE 7
application servers (and probably Java EE 6 application servers once you
downgrade the javaee-api
Maven dependency; you also need to change JMS APIs
and configuration).
You need Maven and Java 8 JDK to build and run the application.
Build the application WAR with mvn package
, deploy it from
to the application
Note that you need to run WildFly with full profile to enable JMS:
bin/standalone.{bat,sh} -c standalone-full.xml
- Open http://localhost:8080/vaadin-javaee-server-push-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT/receive-message in one browser window
- Open http://localhost:8080/vaadin-javaee-server-push-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT/send-message in second browser window
- Type a message and press Send message
- Switch to the first window and observe that the message is visible on the page
There is also a Vaadin TestBench test in
If you have a TestBench licence and Chrome WebDriver installed, you can run it with
mvn test