Provides tests for caqtdm. It has two subdirectories:
- database is an ioc database that can be accessed via channel access or via the EPICS V4 privider pva.
- caqtdm provides a way to run qtdesigner and caqtcm
- Copy the file EXAMPLERELEASE.local to a file named RELEASE.local.
- Edit RELEASE.local so that it has correct locations for all components.
- cd to directory database
- make
- cd to directory database/iocBoot/exampleDatabase
- ../../bin/linux-x86_64/exampleDatabase st.cmd
- Copy the file EXAMPLEsetEnv to setEnv
- Edit setEnv so that it locates caqtdm
- cd to directory caqtdm
To initialize the array records in the database
To start caqtdm execute:
To start qtdesigner execute:
Directory caqtdm has .ui files that access records from the database.
This is a test for connecting to and monitoring multiple channels.
The test monitors three channels:
- caqtdmPVRdouble - only available via provider pva
- caqtdmDBRcounter - via provider pva
- caqtdmDBRao - via provider pva
- caqtdmDBRao - via provider ca
To build and start the example:
- cd to directory testconnect
- make
- bin/linux-x86_64/monitorForever
To test the example first
- cd to directory database/iocBoot/exampleDatabase
- ../../bin/linux-x86_64/exampleDatabase st.cmd
While this is running you can issue commands like
caput caqtdmDBRao 5
pvput caqtdmPVRdouble 5
pvput caqtdmDBRao 4
Then stop the exampleDatabase by entering exit.
- cd to directory database
- bin/linux-x86_64/exampleDatabaseMain
Now the only channel that is connected is caqtdmPVRdouble. Thus only commands like the following will work:
pvput caqtdmPVRdouble 5