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Automated workload processor designed to be a simplified way of applying analysis provided by Lisa to workloads created by workload-automation It came around as a way of automating my own workflows and so to a large extent it comes as-is and it very likely contains many assumptions about how certain things are done that might not be the case for others.


workload-processor is built on top of Lisa and Lisa needs to be installed for it to work.

  1. Clone and install Lisa (follow instructions from the project)
  2. Clone this project (git clone
  3. Source the Lisa environment (cd ~/lisa && source init_env)
  4. Install this project into the Lisa environment (python -m pip install -e ~/workload-processor)


workload-processor is split into 4 parts - the runner, the processor, the device controller and the notebook analysis. All of the parts can easily function separately but they are desgined to make using them all together as easy as possible and to some extent are interdependent.


Different parts of the tool use the configuration options below. By default, the values in wp/config_default.yaml will be used. They can be overridden as-needed in ~/.config/workload-processor/config.yaml.

  • plat_info - Platform info used for some analysis metrics. Either use the one provided in assets/ for Pixel 6 or generate one by modifying the provided script.
  • target_conf - Path to the device target config. Used to build the Lisa module with lisa-load-kmod.
  plat_info: ~/power/pixel6/workload-processor/assets/p6-platform-info.yml
  target_conf: ~/tools/lisa/target_conf_p6.yml

Additionally, the following things can be configured in the same way:

  • important tasks for each workload to be selected in analysis
  • perf counter ids to be selected and renamed
  • cgroups to be considered in cgroup-related functiosn
  • clusters denoting names and types of cpus
  • thermal zones present on the target device

Consult wp/config_default.yaml for the complete set of overrideable options.

Entry points

The main entry point to the project is through the command line (installed as workload-processor into the Lisa PATH using the instructions above). Alternatively, all of the internals are accessible through the wp python package inside their respective modules. The main module intended to be accessed by end users is wp.notebook for the notebook analysis.

The runner

The runner (accessible through workload-processor run) is simply a wrapper around the workload-automation project bundled with Lisa. Using it is completely optional, invoking WA directly will work just as well apart from requiring some extra steps. The runner is simply intended to make sure adb is running as root & the Lisa module is inserted prior to starting WA. Without specifying an output directory explicitly (-d/--dir) the runner can work by just specifying a tag for the workload. It will then fill out the workload name, number of iterations and date automatically according to the format mentioned below. In order for the notebook analysis to work as intended the benchmark names need to be in the <workload_name>_<tag>_<iterations>_<day><month> format, e.g. speedometer_baseline_10_0812.

workload-processor run geekbench baseline
workload-processor run geekbench -d geekbench_baseline_3_0205

The first argument taken by the runner - workload - can either be one of the supported workload names or a WA agenda file directly. If a workload name is passed, one of the provided agendas in agendas/ will be used. They can either be modified directly or copied and then given to the runner by providing a path to the file instead.

workload-processor run agenda.yaml baseline

For more information, consult wp.runner.

workload-automation plugins

Some useful non-upstreamed workload-automation plugins can be found under the plugins/ directory. In order to make them available to WA they just need to be put under ~/.workload_automation/plugins/.

The processor

The processor is the main part of this project. It can be accessed using workload-processor process. It functions by applying some sort of analysis (metrics found in wp/ on top of each trace in the run, then aggregating them into one tagged dataframe and saving it as pqt to analysis/ inside the run directory. These generated pqts can then be either read manually, by the provided notebooks or by custom-made notebooks. If no metrics are provided, the default is to apply all of them in turn which might take multiple hours.

Example of extracting power usage (requires the pixel6_emeter trace event to be present).

workload-processor process speedometer_baseline_10_0812 -m power

This will result in pixel6_emeter.pqt & pixel6_emeter_mean.pqt being created in speedometer_baseline_10_0812/analysis. Multiple space-separated metrics can be provided to the -m argument, they will be processed in order.

Trace parsing

By default, the tool is designed to use the experimental Rust trace parser trace-parquet as long as it can be found in the PATH. Before processing the workload, if any of the iterations do not contain a trace-events directory one will be created and trace-parquet will be called on its trace to generate .pq files for each event. This pre-parsing behaviour can be forced with -i/--init. Using the parser results in considerably faster workload analysis times for most of the metrics.

If trace-parquet is not found or --no-parser was passed the tool will default to the normal Lisa way of creating traces. While much slower it might be useful for some cases where trace-parquet might not work.

Relevant help section

usage: workload-processor process [-h] [-i | --no-parser] [-s]
                                  [-m {...} [{...} ...]
                                  | --no-metrics]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m {...} [{...} ...], --metrics {...} [{...} ...] Metrics to process, defaults to all.
  --no-metrics          Do not process metrics

Trace parsing:
  Options for parsing traces

  -i, --init            Parse traces to init the workload
  --no-parser           Do not use trace-parquet on traces
  -s, --skip-validation
                        Skip trace validation (only when using trace-parquet)

Device controller

The device controller can be accessed through workload-processor device. It's nothing more than a convenience tool for running adb commands to get information or change relevant kernel settings in sysfs. The main command is status which will just print available information about the status of the device. The commands will be run in the provided order and so can be chained (e.g. workload-processor device sugov-rate-limit status). For more details, consult wp.device.

Notebook analysis

The notebook analysis part is made up of a python module with extracted common helper code (wp.notebook) along with the notebooks provided under ipynb/ which make use of it. Usage examples can be found by simply looking at the provided notebooks. The main idea is to contain analysis tied to different runs of a specific workload, e.g. Geekbench, into one python object of wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookAnalysis.

Creating the analysis object

wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookAnalysis takes a directory with benchmark runs and a list of the run directories inside it as arguments. The notebooks should be able to automatically adjust to changing the number of runs.

gb5 = WorkloadNotebookAnalysis('/home/user/tmp/geekbench/', [
], label='Geekbench 5')

Various information related to the workload can then be accessed through said object. Consult the class documentation section for details.


Every wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookAnalysis object will automatically be created with an associated object of wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookPlotter accessible through its plot property. The plot proxy can be used to accessed all the pre-defined plotting methods, for the complete list of available plots consult wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookPlotter.

Manual plotting

The wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookPlotter.gmean_bars helper method can be used to plot a given dataframe as bars and automatically attach statistical analysis to it. There is a corresponding helper method for line plots - wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookPlotter.lines_px.

Otherwise, as long as the data is loaded into the analysis it can be plotted using any other library that supports Pandas dataframes.

Loading metrics generated by the processor

When using the pre-defined plotting functions the relevant metrics will automatically be loaded the first time the plot is generated and the re-used. No further steps should be necessary. The metrics are loaded using the wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookPlotter.requires_analysis decorator.

To obtain the loader function for a specific metric consult consult wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookPlotter.analysis_to_loader. The loader functions can be called manually if needed but it should not be necessary.

Manually loading the metrics

The analysis pqts generated by workload-processor process in analysis/ can be manually loaded using wp.notebook.WorkloadNotebookAnalysis.load_combined_analysis as shown below. The function will take a filename, then go across every directory in gb5.benchmark_dirs, collect the file from its analysis/ directory and concat them into one. In the below example the resulting dataframe can be found in gb5.analysis['overutilized'].

def postprocess_overutil(df):
    df['time'] = round(df['time'], 2)
    df['total_time'] = round(df['total_time'], 2)
    return df

gb5.load_combined_analysis('overutilized.pqt', postprocess=postprocess_overutil)