Thank you for stopping by my Git. I will try to keep this README short as this specific profile is meant to act as a toolkit/portfolio of sorts.
This profile is not meant to be taken as a professional representation of my skillset (although the two mirror each other)
I would like to keep the work on this particular profile light hearted in nature (thus the crazed deku meme as a profile icon)
For references to work I've done within the industry please refer to my Linkedin profile
Throughout my profile you will come across varying repositories. These repositories will more than likely be one of three things-
a code solution for handling some specific tricky input for a school assignment and the like, an example of a tweeked algorithmic expression (like my take on representing Planck's constant for example).
The third type of entry you may come across are references to projects I've collaborated on for open source work.
If you find any of my work useful feel free to apply it how you see fit. I find attributing credit for code sample defeating to the aspect of educational democratization.
##I am also under no illusions that any work I've done is completley original as we "Stand on the shoulders of Giants" so they say.