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High performance Clickhouse PHP lib with progress tracking, parametric queries and compression support

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High performance Clickhouse PHP library featuring:

  • Tiny memory footprint based on static class (hundreds of times less consumption than smi2 client).
  • Curl based.
  • High level methods to fetch rows, single row, array of scalar values or single value.
  • Parametric queries (native Clickhouse SQL injection protection).
  • Long queries progress update through callback function.
  • Large result sets processing without memory overflow.
  • HTTP native compression.
  • Error handling.
  • Batch data writing.

Quick start

Clone or download library:

git clone

Import lib and use it:

require 'clickhousy/clickhousy.php';
$data = clickhousy::rows('SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 5');

Connection & database

Clickhousy works over Clickhouse HTTP protocol, so you just need to set connection url (by default it's localhost:8123):

clickhousy::set_url('http://host:port/'); # no auth
clickhousy::set_url('http://user:password@host:port/'); # auth

And then select database (default by default):


Data fetch

Use predefined methods to quickly fetch needed data:

clickhousy::rows('SELECT * FROM table');         # -> returns array or associative arrays
clickhousy::row ('SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1'); # -> returns single row associative array
clickhousy::cols('SELECT id FROM table');        # -> returns array of scalar values
clickhousy::col ('SELECT count(*) FROM table');  # -> returns single scalar value

Reading large datasets

If your query returns many rows, use reading callback in order not to run out of memory:

clickhousy::query('SELECT * FROM large_table', [], null, null, function($packet) {
  // $packet will contain small portion of returning data
  foreach ( $packet as $row ) {
    // do something with $row (array of each result row values)
    print_r($row) # [0 => 'col1 value', 1 => 'col2 value', ...]

Safe query execution

In order to fight SQL injections, you can use parametric queries:

$count = clickhousy::col(
  'SELECT count(*) FROM table WHERE age > {age:UInt32} AND category = {cat:String}',
  ['age' => 30, 'cat' => 'Engineering']

Writing data

It's not a good idea to insert large amounts of data into Clickhouse using single row inserts. Consider using other technologies, like Kafka to ingest data into Clockhouse efficiently. Avoid using client-library inserts in production environments.

With Clickhousy you can insert either named rows:

clickhousy::insert('my_table', [
    ['id' => 1, 'date' => date('Y-m-d')],
    ['id' => 2, 'date' => date('Y-m-d')]

Or unnamed rows (in this case, make sure that values order is the same as table columns order):

clickhousy::insert('my_table', [
    [1, date('Y-m-d')],
    [2, date('Y-m-d')]

Inserting large datasets

If you still need (which you should avoid please) to insert large amounts of data using Clickhousy, do it in batches of at least couple of thousands rows (but be sure to monitor RAM usage by PHP):

$f = fopen('large.csv', 'r');
$batch = [];
while ( $row = fgetcsv($f) ) {
    $batch[] = $row;
    if ( count($batch) >= 5000 ) {
        clickhousy::insert('my_table', $batch);
        $batch = [];

if ( $batch ) {
    clickhousy::insert('my_table', $batch);

Custom queries

Generic query method is available for any read or write query:

clickhousy::query('INSERT INTO table(id) VALUES(1)');
clickhousy::query('TRUNCATE TABLE table');
clickhousy::query('SELECT NOW()');

For SELECT queries it will return resultset together with system information:

$result_set = clickhousy::query('SELECT * FROM numbers(5)');

Will output:

    [meta] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [name] => number
                    [type] => UInt64


    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [number] => 0

    [rows] => 2
    [rows_before_limit_at_least] => 2
    [statistics] => Array
            [elapsed] => 0.000237397
            [rows_read] => 2
            [bytes_read] => 16


Method also supports parametric queries:

$res = clickhousy::query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE age > {age:Int32}', ['age' => $_GET['age']]);

Inserting data from files

You can insert data from files using $post_buffer argument pointing to a file:

$res = clickhousy::query('INSERT INTO table', [], '/path/to/tsv.gz');

File should be of gzipped TSV format.

Long query progress tracking

$progress_callback allows specifying callback function which will be called when query execution progress updates:

clickhousy::query('SELECT uniq(id) FROM huge_table', [], null, function($progress) {

If the query is long enough, progress function will be called multiple times:

    [read_rows] => 4716360              # -> currently read rows 
    [read_bytes] => 37730880
    [written_rows] => 0
    [written_bytes] => 0
    [total_rows_to_read] => 50000000    # -> total rows to read
    [read_rows] => 47687640
    [read_bytes] => 381501120
    [written_rows] => 0
    [written_bytes] => 0
    [total_rows_to_read] => 50000000

It's easy to calculate and print query execution progress:

clickhousy::query('SELECT count(*) FROM large_table WHERE heavy_condition', [], null, function($progress) {
  echo round(100 * $progress['read_rows']/$progress['total_rows_to_read']) . '%' . "\n";

Which will result in:


Query execution summary

Latest query summary is available through:

clickhousy::rows('SELECT * FROM numbers(100000)');

Which is an associative array of multiple metrics:

    [read_rows] => 65505
    [read_bytes] => 524040
    [written_rows] => 0
    [written_bytes] => 0
    [total_rows_to_read] => 100000

Errors handling and debug

By default, clickhousy will return response with error key on error, but will not throw any exceptions:

$response = clickhousy::query('SELECT bad_query');  # sample query with error

Which contains original Clickhouse error message:

    [error] => Code: 47. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'bad_query' while processing query: 'SELECT bad_query', required columns: 'bad_query'. (UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER) (version (official build))


If you want exceptions functionality, you can extend clickhousy with your own class and override error() method:

class my_clickhousy_exception extends Exception {};
class my_clickhousy extends clickhousy {
  public static function error($msg, $request_info) {
    throw new my_clickhousy_exception($msg);

Then use your own class to get exceptions working:

my_clickhousy::query('SELECT bad_query');   # bad query example
# PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught my_clickhousy_exception: Code: 47. DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'bad_query' ...

Debugging response

If you need to access raw response from Clickhouse, you can find it here:

clickhouse::last_response();  # raw text response from Clickhouse after latest query

Curl (which is used for HTTP communication) response info can be accessed via:

clickhouse::last_info();  # response from curl_getinfo() after latest query


There is also log() method which can be overrided to allow custom logging:

class my_clickhousy extends clickhousy {
  public static function log($raw_response, $curl_info) {
    error_log('Received response from Clickhouse: ' . $raw_response);

Memory usage and performance

Based on performance testing, Clickhousy lib is times faster and hundreds of times less memory consuming than smi2 lib:

mem:                565       
time:               10.3      

mem:                0.8       688.8x  better
time:               2.3       4.4x  better


High performance Clickhouse PHP lib with progress tracking, parametric queries and compression support







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